#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di Echelon Insights:
Donald #Trump: 59% (+7)
Ron #DeSantis: 11% (-4)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 11% (-1)
Nikki #Haley: 6% (+2)
Mike #Pence: 6%
Chris #Christie: 1% (-2)
Tim #Scott: 1%
Will #Hurd: 1%
Asa #Hutchinson: 0% (-1)
Larry #Elder: 0%
Doug #Burgum: 0%
Ryan #Binkley: 0% (-1)
Data rilevazione: 31 agosto-4 settembre
+/-: 28-31 agosto
Intervistati: 1026
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #ramaswamy #haley #pence #christie #Scott #hurd #hutchinson #elder #burgum #binkley
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di WPA Intelligence:
Donald #Trump: 49%
Ron #DeSantis: 18,5%
Nikki #Haley: 8,5%
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 7%
Mike #Pence: 6%
Chris #Christie: 5%
Tim #Scott: 4%
Will #Hurd: 1%
Doug #Burgum: 1%
Asa #Hutchinson: 0,5%
Glenn #Youngkin: 0,4%
Francis X. #Suarez: 0,3%
Larry #Elder: 0%
Data rilevazione: 24-28 agosto
Intervistati: 800
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #haley #ramaswamy #pence #christie #Scott #hurd #burgum #hutchinson #Youngkin #Suarez #elder
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di University of California/Berkeley in #California:
Donald #Trump: 55% (+11)
Ron #DeSantis: 16% (-10)
Nikki #Haley: 7% (+4)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 4% (+2)
Chris #Christie: 3% (+2)
Mike #Pence: 3% (-1)
Tim #Scott: 2% (+1)
Larry #Elder: 1% (+1)
Non so: 9% (-4)
Data rilevazione: 24-29 agosto
+/-: 17-22 maggio
Intervistati: 1175
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #california #trump #desantis #haley #ramaswamy #christie #pence #Scott #elder
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di Morning Consult:
Donald #Trump: 60% (+2)
Ron #DeSantis: 15% (+1)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 8% (-2)
Mike #Pence: 6%
Nikki #Haley: 5%
Chris #Christie: 3% (-1)
Tim #Scott: 2%
Asa #Hutchinson: 1%
Doug #Burgum: 0%
Will #Hurd: 0%
Data rilevazione: 2-4 settembre
+/-: 25-27 agosto
Intervistati: 3745
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #ramaswamy #pence #haley #christie #Scott #hutchinson #burgum #hurd
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di Premise:
Donald #Trump: 61% (+1)
Ron #DeSantis: 12% (-4)
Mike #Pence: 6% (+2)
Nikki #Haley: 5% (+2)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 5% (-1)
Liz #Cheney: 3% (+1)
Ted #Cruz: 2% (+1)
Tim #Scott: 2% (-1)
Chris #Christie: 2% (+1)
Mike #Pompeo: 1%
Data rilevazione: 30 agosto-5 settembre
+/-: 17-21 agosto
Intervistati: 415
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #pence #haley #ramaswamy #cheney #cruz #Scott #christie #pompeo
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di SSRS:
Donald #Trump: 52% (+5)
Ron #DeSantis: 16% (-8)
Nikki #Haley: 7% (+2)
Mike #Pence: 7% (-2)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 6% (+5)
Tim #Scott: 3% (-1)
Chris #Christie: 2% (-1)
Doug #Burgum: 1% (+1)
Larry #Elder: 1% (+1)
Asa #Hutchinson: 0% (-1)
Will #Hurd: 0%
Perry #Johnson: 0%
Qualcun altro: 1% (+1)
Non so: 1% (+1)
Data rilevazione: 25-31 agosto
+/-: 13-17 giugno
Intervistati: 784
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #haley #pence #ramaswamy #Scott #christie #burgum #elder #hutchinson #hurd #johnson
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di NMB Research nel #NewHampshire:
Donald #Trump: 47%
Ron #DeSantis: 10%
Nikki #Haley: 10%
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 8%
Chris #Christie: 8%
Tim #Scott: 5%
Mike #Pence: 4%
Doug #Burgum: 2%
Will #Hurd: 1%
Larry #Elder: 1%
Asa #Hutchinson: 1%
Perry #Johnson: 0%
Data rilevazione: 26-31 agosto
Intervistati: 800
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #newhampshire #trump #desantis #haley #ramaswamy #christie #Scott #pence #burgum #hurd #elder #hutchinson #johnson
TheOnion: ‘Golden Bachelor’ Reveals Senior Women Competing To Be Dumped For 35-Year-Old After Taping https://www.theonion.com/golden-bachelor-reveals-senior-women-competing-to-be-1850792767?utm_source=regular #entertainmentculture #bachelorette #gerryturner #thebachelor #robmills #haley
#entertainmentculture #bachelorette #gerryturner #thebachelor #robmills #haley
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di YouGov:
Donald #Trump: 52%
Ron #DeSantis: 16% (+4)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 6% (-2)
Nikki #Haley: 4% (+1)
Mike #Pence: 3% (+1)
Chris #Christie: 2%
Tim #Scott: 2% (-2)
Francis X. #Suarez: 1% (+1)
Doug #Burgum: 0% (-1)
Asa #Hutchinson: 0%
Larry #Elder: 0%
Will #Hurd: 0%
Data rilevazione: 26-29 agosto
+/-: 17-21 agosto
Intervistati: 520
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #ramaswamy #haley #pence #christie #Scott #Suarez #burgum #hutchinson #elder #hurd
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di HarrisX:
Donald #Trump: 52% (-7)
Ron #DeSantis: 12% (-2)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 8% (-2)
Mike #Pence: 6% (-1)
Nikki #Haley: 3% (-1)
Chris #Christie: 2%
Tim #Scott: 2%
Asa #Hutchinson: 0% (-1)
Doug #Burgum: 0% (-1)
Ryan #Binkley: 0% (-1)
Francis X. #Suarez: 0%
Will #Hurd: 0%
Perry #Johnson: 0%
Larry #Elder: 0%
Corey #Stapleton: 0%
Data rilevazione: 25-27 agosto
+/-: 24-26 luglio
Intervistati: 722
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #ramaswamy #pence #haley #christie #Scott #hutchinson #burgum #binkley #Suarez #hurd #johnson #elder #stapleton
When I Tell You #Haley Is Pathetic, That’s an Understatement
Past Haley, present Haley, future Haley: They’re all constructs, all creations, malleable, negotiable, tethered not to dependable principle but to reliable opportunism.
She has undeniable smarts and formidable talent, as Vivek Ramaswamy learned. She treated his so-called foreign policy as so many nonsense words scrawled with crayon in a toddler’s coloring book. Then she tore the pages of that book to shreds
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di Dan Jones & Associates nello #Utah:
Donald #Trump: 27% (-2)
Ron #DeSantis: 19% (-5)
Mike #Pence: 9% (+3)
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 5% (+3)
Liz #Cheney: 5% (+1)
Nikki #Haley: 4% (+1)
Chris #Christie: 4%
Asa #Hutchinson: 2% (+2)
Tim #Scott: 2%
Non so: 13% (-3)
Qualcun altro: 11% (+2)
Data rilevazione: 7-14 agosto
+/-: 26 giugno-4 luglio
Intervistati: 476
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #utah #trump #desantis #pence #ramaswamy #cheney #haley #christie #hutchinson #Scott
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di SPIA in #Georgia:
Donald #Trump: 56,5%
Ron #DeSantis: 15%
Mike #Pence: 4%
Tim #Scott: 3%
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 3%
Nikki #Haley: 2,5%
Chris #Christie: 2%
Francis X. #Suarez: 0,5%
Will #Hurd: 0,2%
Asa #Hutchinson: 0,1%
Larry #Elder: 0,1%
Doug #Burgum: 0%
Non so: 14%
Data rilevazione: 16-23 agosto
Intervistati: 807
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #georgia #trump #desantis #pence #Scott #ramaswamy #haley #christie #Suarez #hurd #hutchinson #elder #burgum
#Sondaggi #USA #Primarie #R
Sondaggio di Morning Consult:
Donald #Trump: 58%
Ron #DeSantis: 14%
Vivek #Ramaswamy: 10% (-1)
Mike #Pence: 6%
Nikki #Haley: 5% (+2)
Chris #Christie: 4% (+1)
Tim #Scott: 2% (-1)
Asa #Hutchinson: 1% (+1)
Doug #Burgum: 0%
Francis X. #Suarez: 0%
Will #Hurd: 0%
Data rilevazione: 25-27 luglio
+/-: 24 agosto
Intervistati: 3617
#sondaggi #usa #primarie #r #trump #desantis #ramaswamy #pence #haley #christie #Scott #hutchinson #burgum #Suarez #hurd
Chances of Harris’ presidency should ‘send a chill up every American’s spine’: Haley #ChancesofHarris’ #‘send #American’s #Haley #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #haley #AMERICAN #chancesofharris
'Racist' author slammed for ‘Hindu business’ tweet on Haley, Ramaswamy #Racist #‘Hindu #Haley #Ramaswamy #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #ramaswamy #haley #racist
#Feckless and #pathetic don't adequately describe #NimrataHaley. First, she tried to dodge the question by absurdly claiming that she believes she will be the #Republican nominee for #President (literally nobody believes that). When pressed, she said that she would prefer to support a multiple #felon than Joe #Biden because something, something #KamalaHarris. #Haley is a disgrace, and her demonstrated judgement is proof she should never occupy elected office ever again.
#feckless #pathetic #nimratahaley #republican #President #felon #biden #kamalaharris #haley
Haley v Ramaswamy: For the first time, 2 Indian-Americans spar in GOP debate #Haley #Ramaswamy # #IndianAmericans #GOP #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #GOP #IndianAmericans #ramaswamy #haley
I can't watch the GOP primary debate! I hate being reduced to YouTube snippets, and I want to support #Haley if she can pull her polling numbers up. Damn.
How the 2024 presidential race is heating up for Haley, Ramaswamy #Haley #Ramaswamy #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #ramaswamy #haley