"Third installment of a game": 😃
Bandai Namco Logo: :blobcattableflip:
#gamescom #openingnightlive #halflife3
@caskd @Jain @captainepoch I guess that's why we'll not get #HalfLife3 or even #Episode3 because anything but a bombastic AAA+++ game that makes #Crysis3 look like the Original Wolfenstein 3D will get them torn apart by overhyped people...
Seeing how GabeN owns the world's deepest diving submarine I can assume:
1 - Half life 3 beta keys exist at the bottom of the ocean
2 - This ARG puzzle has gotten WAY out of hand, guys
#submarine #gaben #halflife3 #valve
Kotaku: New Counter-Strike 2 Detail You Might Have Missed Reminds Us Valve Still Hasn't Made Half-Life 3 https://kotaku.com/counter-strike-2-cs2-easter-egg-half-life-3-gordon-f-1850383929 #gaming #tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #firstpersonshooters #valvecorporation #gearboxsoftware #counterstrike #gordonfreeman #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #linuxgames #halflife3 #halflife #richter #gaming #valve #glock
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #multiplayeronlinegames #firstpersonshooters #valvecorporation #gearboxsoftware #counterstrike #gordonfreeman #windowsgames #videogaming #videogames #linuxgames #halflife3 #halflife #Richter #valve #glock
Half-Life ist so alt, nicht nur könnte es Bier trinken und rauchen, nein, es könnte schon einen Master gemacht haben und eigenes Geld verdienen.
#HalfLife #HalfLife3 #Gaming #Valve
#Valve #Gaming #halflife3 #halflife
#Gaming prediction: #HalfLife3 is already in development and will come out on the anniversary of #HalfLife2 next year. And just like 2 threw away the apparent cliffhanger at the end of #HalfLife to skip time for narrative freedom, and this time the time skip happens in real time, 20 years after the Citadel exloded.
#Gaming #halflife3 #HalfLife2 #halflife
@begaydocrimes I liked the #HalfLife3 programme. It's the closest I'll ever get!
Well, #HalfLife3 is still a game by #Valve so perhaps if they made a new half life it would be more likely they made a new portal game but the #DeskJob is supposed to be Portal 2.5?
Though Valve is very #unpredictable, what they'll release next, who knows?
#unpredictable #deskjob #Valve #halflife3
2023 new year wishlist:
- Steam Controller 2
- More #EAC games working on #SteamDeck / Proton
- More followers here than on Twitter, don’t forget to boost posts 😘
- #HalfLife3
@NachoNachoMan @valvesoftware The right man in the wrong place discovered surfing. We know now why #HalfLife3 is taking so long! 🏄♂️
Je suis resté un grand fan de la série #DukeNukem et ce depuis l'épisode 3D de folie sur #SegaSaturn
Je dois faire partie des rares personnes à avoir apprécié #DukeNukemForever à sa sortie : Il avait certes d'énormes défauts, mais ils participaient à son charme d'authentique #Nanar vidéoludique 🤩
J'avoue en avoir un peu marre des remaster de #DukeNukem3D tous les 5 ans. Davantage que #GTA6 ou un #HalfLife3 j'espère voir un ultime volet de ses aventures de mon vivant.
#3615mavie #jeuxvidéos #halflife3 #gta6 #dukenukem3d #nanar #dukenukemforever #segasaturn #dukenukem
@nicosomb@mamot.fr Il va annoncer #halflife3 en accès anticipé ?
#EmmanuelMacronFacts #halflife3
Selon une source anonyme du gouvernement travaillant entre autre pour l'éditeur #Valve, Emmanuel Macron serait sur le point d'annoncer la sortie de #HalfLife3 pour le premier jour du re-re-reconfinement
#EmmanuelMacronFacts #halflife3 #valve
#halflife3 looks sweet
RT @ibogost@twitter.com
I know a lot is going on right now but this is extremely unsettling.