Exerpt from my #Bookwyrm account (inserting hashtags). "...part #memoir, part #travelogue so there are fun stories about #HalfMarathons in each of the fifty states. I enjoyed the tidbits about Waffle House and Cracker Barrel restaurants, visiting Ma Ingalls' gravesite, and shotskis. ... It's not just about walking; runners and anyone who enjoys athletic events will like this book."
This isn't "race walking" - just walking fast. You can do it. (I did!)
"Power Walk!" by Patricia Vicary.
#Bookwyrm #memoir #travelogue #halfmarathons
Hello everyone! Here as part of the Great #TwitterMigration of 2022.
I work in #medicaleducation and love #pharmacogenetics and #endocrinology. For fun, I enjoy #running #halfmarathons, #hiking, #kayaking, #knitting, #crochet, #reading, and #tabletopgames.
Happy to be here and meet some new fabulous folks!
#twittermigration #medicaleducation #pharmacogenetics #endocrinology #running #halfmarathons #hiking #kayaking #knitting #crochet #reading #tabletopgames
My turn for a quick #introduction
I’m a PA (#physicianassociate) and clinical #pharmacist working in #academia and #medical #education.
I dabble in #pharmacogenetics #gamebasedlearning and #dataanalytics
I have fun #running #halfmarathons #knitting and #crochet #reading and playing #tabletopgames
Nice to meet y’all!
#tabletopgames #reading #crochet #knitting #halfmarathons #running #dataanalytics #gamebasedlearning #pharmacogenetics #education #medical #academia #pharmacist #physicianassociate #introduction