As we continue down the #CoastTimeYear path I know I will miss #gardening this year (maybe two but I hope not) so I am thinking about where and how to channel that energy. Going to keep the #HalfPanHerbGarden going but maybe change a few things out. Thinking about indoor container Albion #Strawberries that can move with us. Not gonna lie, gonna miss my #BackyardHabitat.
#coasttimeyear #gardening #halfpanherbgarden #strawberries #BackyardHabitat
Got my #potatoes doing a #confit in olive oil and #butter with lemon thyme from my #HalfPanHerbGarden so I know at least one meal is set. #BakersDayOff
#potatoes #confit #butter #halfpanherbgarden #bakersdayoff
#HalfPanHerbGarden update: radish sprouts! #Radish #sprouts! Also the basil appears to be trying to revive itself so I am going to let it do its thing. And did I mention RADISH SPROUTS? #indoorgardening #overwinter #ediblegarnish
#halfpanherbgarden #radish #sprouts #indoorgardening #overwinter #ediblegarnish
#AttemptedVacation #HalfPanHerbGarden update, 5.30am, day 3: planted French radishes in the maldon salt bucket with visions of what I hope to manifest later. Bring on the radish and #butter sandwiches. #gardening
#attemptedvacation #halfpanherbgarden #butter #gardening
Today's #HalfPanHerbGarden update. I think I am going to to transplant the basil to give it a bit more space to thrive and I want to add an edible flower because it is January. Perhaps I will wander around the local nursery for a #pansy or just plant some #nasturtium. #indoorgardening
#halfpanherbgarden #pansy #nasturtium #indoorgardening
#HalfPanHerbGarden update: The #cilantro has bolted. Long live the cilantro.
#HalfPanHerbGarden update: almost December and everything is still alive! Thyme is surprisingly the #herb that is thriving least, cilantro still going. Considering adding another container with something, radishes maybe? #indoorgardening #overwinter
#halfpanherbgarden #herb #indoorgardening #overwinter
There is something reassuring about having the grow light timer turn on the #HalfPanHerbGarden. It's like "Look! The #basil isn't dead yet!" #indoorgardening
#halfpanherbgarden #basil #indoorgardening
Meanwhile, it's a #mashedpotatoes #cats and #HalfPanHerbGarden night, followed by some weirdly prescient #terrypratchett.
#mashedpotatoes #cats #halfpanherbgarden #terrypratchett