A little throwback Canadian soundtrack for this afternoon in Halifax...
(Rain Down on Me, by Blue Rodeo)
#HalifaxFires friends, there are some decent air purifiers on sale at Cdn Tire if you're finding the air quality is giving you problems.
Reasons why planners and experts should be approximately one million times more influential in your city than developers, chapter #9254...
(Yes, I'm looking at you, Ontario...)
I just heard that Vernonβs Diner was among the buildings that burned down last night. What an iconic place. I hope they rebuild. #halifax #halifaxfires
Pat, coming with the hard questions. I appreciate you, Pat.
Why was the best info coming from a citizen on Twitter?
Sounds like things are getting kind of hectic again.
#halifax #halifaxfires #novascotia
I cannot confirm but the rumour is that the fires were caused by someone burning trash.
#novascotia #halifaxfires #halifax
Skies are clear this morning but of course a lot has been lost and firefighters have been working all night with ~70 structure fires remaining.
#novascotia #halifax #halifaxfires
"it seems like things have stabilized a little bit for the moment with the sun and temperature down, at least in terms of spread/volatility. Crews are still battling fires in multiple structures and they will be doing that all night." - Halifax Fire News
Nova Scotia has a lot of forest. We kind of revel in in them. :|
#halifax #halifaxfires #novascotia
"On the left, where the fires started. On the right, where the latest evac orders are..."
#halifax #halifaxfires #novascotia
I am safe. Thank you. I heard rumours from my daughter's school-mated that they saw a tree spontaneously combust but take that with a grain of salt. Nothing beyond that. #HalifaxFires #Halifax
Updated evacuation order. #NovaScotia #Halifax #HalifaxFires
#novascotia #halifax #halifaxfires
Apparently fire has jumped North to South over Hammonds Planes Rd. #Halifax #HalifaxFires #NovaScotia
#halifax #halifaxfires #novascotia
There is a serious shortage of sound coverage of the #HalifaxFires... the best sources are interested amateurs.
CBC, this is your bread-and-butter.