Spy On Your Cat to Make Sure It Gets Its Paws In https://hackaday.com/2023/04/02/spy-on-your-cat-to-make-sure-it-gets-its-paws-in/ #datavisualization #halleffectsensor #dataacquisition #ArduinoHacks #homehacks #catwheel #ESP8266
#datavisualization #halleffectsensor #dataacquisition #ArduinoHacks #homehacks #catwheel #ESP8266
Spy On Your Cat to Make Sure It Gets Its Paws In - [Scott Cutler] has a young cat, [Cygnus], that loves to run on a cat wheel and [Sc... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/02/spy-on-your-cat-to-make-sure-it-gets-its-paws-in/ #datavisualization #halleffectsensor #dataacquisition #arduinohacks #homehacks #catwheel #esp8266
#esp8266 #catwheel #homehacks #arduinohacks #dataacquisition #halleffectsensor #datavisualization
A More Expressive Synth via Flexure https://hackaday.com/2023/02/28/a-more-expressive-synth-via-flexure/ #expressivesynthesizer #Microcontrollers #halleffectsensor #expressivesynth #MusicalHacks #synthesizer #breadboard #DaisySeed #flexure #synth
#expressivesynthesizer #Microcontrollers #halleffectsensor #expressivesynth #musicalhacks #synthesizer #breadboard #daisyseed #flexure #synth
A More Expressive Synth via Flexure - Synthesizers can make some great music, but sometimes they feel a bit robotic in c... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/28/a-more-expressive-synth-via-flexure/ #expressivesynthesizer #microcontrollers #halleffectsensor #expressivesynth #musicalhacks #synthesizer #breadboard #daisyseed #flexure #synth
#synth #flexure #daisyseed #breadboard #synthesizer #musicalhacks #expressivesynth #halleffectsensor #microcontrollers #expressivesynthesizer
Levitating Banana Is An Excellent Conversation Starter https://hackaday.com/2023/02/03/levitating-banana-is-an-excellent-conversation-starter/ #halleffectsensor #levitatingbanana #electromagnet #levitation #banana #Art
#halleffectsensor #levitatingbanana #electromagnet #levitation #banana #art
Levitating Banana Is An Excellent Conversation Starter - “I really like your floating banana.” If that’s something you’ve always wanted you... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/03/levitating-banana-is-an-excellent-conversation-starter/ #halleffectsensor #levitatingbanana #electromagnet #levitation #banana #art
#art #banana #levitation #electromagnet #levitatingbanana #halleffectsensor
Don’t Lose Your Cool With This Fridge Buzzer https://hackaday.com/2023/01/16/dont-lose-your-cool-with-this-fridge-buzzer/ #halleffectsensor #3dPrinterhacks #refrigerator #doorsensor #homehacks #buzzer #fridge #msp430 #alarm
#halleffectsensor #3dPrinterhacks #refrigerator #doorsensor #homehacks #buzzer #fridge #msp430 #alarm
Don’t Lose Your Cool With This Fridge Buzzer - [CarrotIndustries] wanted to add an audible warning for when the refrigerator door... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/16/dont-lose-your-cool-with-this-fridge-buzzer/ #halleffectsensor #3dprinterhacks #refrigerator #doorsensor #homehacks #buzzer #fridge #msp430 #alarm
#alarm #msp430 #fridge #buzzer #homehacks #doorsensor #refrigerator #3dprinterhacks #halleffectsensor
Tracing In 2D and 3D With Hall Effect Sensors - Pantographs were once used as simple mechanical devices for a range of tasks, incl... - https://hackaday.com/2022/08/19/tracing-in-2d-and-3d-with-hall-effect-sensors/ #halleffectsensor #pantograph #cnchacks #geometry #tracing
#tracing #geometry #cnchacks #pantograph #halleffectsensor
Tracing In 2D and 3D With Hall Effect Sensors
#halleffectsensor #pantograph #cnchacks #geometry #tracing
#halleffectsensor #pantograph #cnchacks #geometry #tracing