#WomenInTech #SVB #Halli #Florida #EEAAO
#StayWoke #NowMoreThanEver #DEI
Try as they might DE&I issues are all over and impacting biggest business and policy decisions.
#womenintech #svb #halli #florida #eeaao #staywoke #nowmorethanever #dei
Yet another #halli #elon what-have-you take…
Another thing that got to me - besides the GLARINGLY OBVIOUS - was the response to Halli listing out his contributions as design director. Tech bros ripped them apart and dismissed them as meaningless.
As a veteran UX designer, that just makes my heart sink. The struggle is never done for us as long as jagoffs like that are in the mix, or - worse - in charge.
They should have made the headline, "Apartheid Emerald Heir Forced to Concede Vanity Tech Project to Self-Made Tech Millionaire" 😂 #Halli
Wer mal kurz reinhören möchte, um was für einen menschenverachtenden Widerling es sich bei #ElonMusk wirklich handelt. Ihm gehört wirklich jegliche Aufmerksamkeit entzogen. Verachtung ist das Einzige, was er verdient. Ein fürchterlicher Charakter! Zeigt #Twitter den Vogel. Bitte. 🙏
Ab Minute: 1:50
#hakendranpodcast #halli #haraldurthorleifsson #twitter #elonmusk
Það var stórfurðulegt að verða vitni að þessum #Twitter deilum á milli Halla og #Musk. #Halli vann þetta á ippon, þannig að kannski var þetta til góðs fyrir hann. En það er allavega staðfest enn og aftur að Musk og þetta nýja Twitter hans er eitraður miðill (þó ég fylgist auðvitað enn með umræðunni þar). Það verður fróðlegt að vita hvort að Twitter verði raunverulega til í sömu mynd eftir ár eða svo. Veit ekki hversu lengi svona getur gengið, en hvur veit, kannski er notendum alveg sama?
This escalated quickly. Now #Musk has apologized to Halli. Most likely it's because it's costs #Twitter to much to fire him (as he sold his company Ueno to Twitter in 2021 and his employment was one part of the deal). But at least this was an ippon for #Halli in his exchange with #ElonMusk - but we still don't know if Halli will keep on working with Twitter.
#musk #twitter #halli #ElonMusk
If you follow the #Twitter thread between #elonmusk & #halli, you will witness a masterclass in annihilating a #troll using subtle trolling tactics.
Twitter HR wasn't telling him he was fired because someone was smart enough to know he had a massive termination clause in his contract. So, Halli trolled #musk into an exchange using the system to get noticed. THEN he trolled him into invalidating the #NDA so he could then troll #elon into firing him by using references he knew would trigger Musk.
#twitter #elonmusk #halli #troll #musk #nda #elon
#ElonMusk apologized to #Halli.
Lots of speculation about why he might have done that.
Of course I'm glad to see this, but Elon remains the #fascist asshole he has been for a long time.
source/discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/EnoughMuskSpam/comments/11lgb5d/elmo_apologizes_for_misunderstanding/
One does not publicly shit on someone named "Haraldur Thorleifsson" but asks friendly if they sign ones' bass with their hammer.
I'm cringing every time I hear people discussing #Musk attacking #Halli on #YouTube or #MSM, because it's Eyjafjallajökull all over again.
His name is not pronounced like "Hawley." Or "Haley" or "Hall-eye." The simplest way for non-Icelanders to say his name is to remove the first L & add a D.
Hadli. Or, if it's easier, T. Hatli. It's still wrong but way closer.
Granted, non-Icelanders seem to have a seriously difficult time ending words with the IH sound. So they turn it into eye or ee.
Elon Musk backpedals after mocking disabled Twitter worker in tweet ‘storm’ | Twitter | The Guardian
#twitter #haraldurthorleifsson #halli
@alasaarela so, #Elon is going to stop firing people over #Twitter? I’m guessing the reality is that is was going to be much more expensive to pay #Halli off in one go (due to however the acquisition was structured).
Likewise #Haraldur is probably heavily incentivised to remain, in order to gain the full payout.
#elon #twitter #halli #haraldur
Yes, yes, it’s the bird site, but this is also a pretty good thread on how #ElonMusk screwed himself with how he attacked #Halli on #twitter.
#Halli is being attacked by #elon bot-troll army for this & calling mush out on his emerald mine. #TwitterDown #iceland #halli
#halli #elon #twitterdown #iceland