Join Master Chief’s fight with the Halo Graphic Novels Book Bundle #comics #comicbooks #halo
Come conquistare una bandiera in Husky Raid.
#Halo #HaloItalia #haloinfinite #haloinfinitemultiplayer #gameplay #gameplayita
#halo #haloitalia #HaloInfinite #HaloInfinitemultiplayer #gameplay #gameplayita
Join Master Chief’s fight with the Halo Graphic Novels Book Bundle. Help support Make-A-Wish with your purchase #halo #comics #comicbooks
Kotaku: Kotaku’s Weekend Guide: 5 Games To Rejuvenate The Soul #gaming #tech #kotaku #ethangachstarfield #roadtripadventure #windowsgames #playstation2 #haloinfinite #overwatch #nintendo #gamestop #winslow #bestbuy #30xx #halo #ps2 #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #ethangachstarfield #roadtripadventure #windowsgames #playstation2 #haloinfinite #overwatch #nintendo #gamestop #winslow #BestBuy #30xx #halo #ps2 #rpg
Kotaku: Mega Bloks Xbox 360 Collector Set Is A Pricey Nostalgia Trip #gaming #tech #kotaku #homevideogameconsoles #technologyinternet #videogameconsole #danielahmed #microsoft #xbox360 #mattel #xbox #niko #halo
#halo #Gaming #Tech #kotaku #homevideogameconsoles #technologyinternet #videogameconsole #danielahmed #microsoft #xbox360 #mattel #xbox #niko
17 kills / 1 death on Halo Infinite! OK, it was on the most ridiculous mode: Mini Slayer, where your guys are tiny but I'm still proud of it... #HaloInfinite #Halo #Xbox
"Why do you make #VideoGames"❓
111 industry icons provide their personal and, at times, astonishing answers in this 2019 mook. 📖
Big thanks to
@pgaultier for the heads up on his fantastic work with
@l1nterview ! ♥️🙏
Check out the collection here:
#L1nterview #VideoGameCreators #ShigeruMiyamoto #KarolinaStachyra #TheWitcher3 #WarrenSpector #DeusEx #MurielTramis #GameDev #Halo #Interviews #GamingWorld #GameMakers #Book #Books #Bookstodon @bookstodon #Mario #Zelda
#zelda #mario #bookstodon #Books #book #gamemakers #gamingworld #interviews #halo #GameDev #murieltramis #deusex #WarrenSpector #TheWitcher3 #karolinastachyra #shigerumiyamoto #videogamecreators #l1nterview #videogames
Hola gente buena de Mastodon, soy nuevo aquí y esta es mi super mega turbo #presentación. 🙌🏼
¿Que puedo decir de mi?
Eh, soy una persona amigable, amable y me gusta hacer amigos, aunque soy introvertido espero que todos nos podamos llevar super bien y me tengan paciencia mientras aprendo a usar esta RS.
Hmmm... Por el lado de mis gustos están, el #Anime, #videojuegos, #Cine, los #Libros, la #lectura, el #Manga, y la cultura de #Japon.
Me gusta el género de #terror tanto en cine como en novelas.
Actualmente estoy leyendo #jurasicpark
Mi género de música preferido es el #Rock, #Metal, tanto clásico como actual, la #MúsicaClásica
No me gusta el Reggaeton y la salsa. 😂
Bueno la salsa solo en mis tacos 🌮. 😂
¿Que más?
Ah si, soy fanático de #OnePiece y de varias sagas de videojuegos como #Pokemon, #AssassinsCreed, #thelegendofzelda, #Halo y así.
Actualmente estoy aprendiendo #italiano en #Duolingo.
Creo que eso es todo.
Cualquier cosa más, pregunten.
Les mando un saludo y pasen un buendía
#presentacion #anime #videojuegos #cine #libros #lectura #manga #japon #terror #jurasicpark #rock #metal #musicaclasica #onepiece #pokemon #assassinscreed #thelegendofzelda #halo #italiano #duolingo
Halo (TV show, 2022): Soren's tug ship, art by Matthew Savage
#scifi #spaceship #conceptart #halo
#scifi #spaceship #conceptart #halo
#Halo, the Eternal September of FPSes and what I personally consider the demarcation line between retro and modern
#morgensMitHund Jeans, Pulli, Jacke, Mausbuddelglück und #Halo zum sattsehen.
Ein einzelner Brachvogel ruft und das Elbböschungsecho antwortet - wieder und wieder.
The Flood really is a great enemy. I had forgotten just how darn unpleasant they were to face on installation 04.
Been playing a lot of #HaloInfinte it is an open world game, so you can just load up a troop carrier with 5 marines with rocket launchers and just tool about causing massive destruction #Halo #Xbox
Kotaku: Microsoft’s New Xbox Skins Look Pretty Nice, Actually #gaming #tech #kotaku #homevideogameconsoles #officialxboxmagazine #technologyinternet #starfieldsxbox #hassomedope #xboxseriesx #microsoft #starfield #xbox #halo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #homevideogameconsoles #officialxboxmagazine #technologyinternet #starfieldsxbox #hassomedope #xboxseriesx #microsoft #starfield #xbox #halo
Finally! Finished Halo Infinite's Season Pass 4! I played mostly Tactical Slayer as it is my favorite game mode!
Mostly because there is no radar and no, I don't want to play rank.