Going live with some Cursed Halo! I remember playing the original version when it first released, so I'm looking forward to seeing the updates! Or maybe cringing at them. Or both. :D
#343industries #xbox #vtuber #haloce #cursedhalo #twitch
Introduce yourself using #VideoGames to help others get to know you.
#introduction #videogames #citiesskylines #halo2 #haloce #morrowind #fallout3 #startrekbridgecommander #projecthighrise #reddeadredemption2 #railwayempire #kerbalspaceprogram #populous #empireearth2 #gamer #gaming
Introduce yourself using #VideoGames to get to know you.
#introduction #videogames #citiesskylines #halo2 #haloce #morrowind #fallout3 #startrekbridgecommander #projecthighrise #reddeadredemption2 #railwayempire #kerbalspaceprogram #populous #empireearth2 #gamer #gaming
My cousin gifted me a Female #XBOX #Controller to #PC #USB Adapter Cable from my Amazon wishlist for #Christmas #Birthday. Now, I can play #HaloCE the way Bungie intended it!
#HaloCombatEvolved #HaloMasterChiefCollection #Halo #TheDuke #XBOXController #PCGaming #Gaming #VideoGames #Windows10 #Windows #Microsoft #MasterChief #Warthog
#xbox #controller #pc #usb #christmas #birthday #haloce #halocombatevolved #halomasterchiefcollection #halo #theduke #xboxcontroller #pcgaming #gaming #videogames #windows10 #windows #microsoft #masterchief #warthog
#HALOCE リマスター版グラフィックとオリジナル版グラフィック。
I'm not much of a gamer, but I've been hooked on playing Onward, a VR first-person shooter on the Meta Quest 2. It reminds me of two of my favorite games from when I was younger: Goldeneye and Halo Custom Edition, which I used to play a lot on my PC. #halo #HaloCE #n64 #goldeneye #007 #JamesBond #FPS #onward #OnwardVR #metaquest2 #meta #quest2 #FirstPersonShooter
#firstpersonshooter #quest2 #meta #metaquest2 #onwardvr #onward #fps #jamesbond #Goldeneye #n64 #haloce #halo
#Overwatch (1/2)
#Portal (1/2/all mods)
#TotalAnnihilation (and #TASpring)
#7gamestoknowme #dukenukem3d #dungeonsofdaggorath #everquest #haloce #overwatch #portal #totalannihilation #taspring