Halt and Catch Fire ★★★★★★★★☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/halt-and-catch-fire #HaltAndCatchFire #trakt
Just finished a rewatch of #HaltAndCatchFire and it's rocketed into my all time favourite shows of all time. So much to love.
What's that?
You want to read me wanking on about #HaltAndCatchFire yet again?
#HACF #KerryBishé #MackenzieDavis #ScootMcNairy #LeePace #ChristopherCantwell #ChristopherCRogers
#christophercrogers #christophercantwell #leepace #scootmcnairy #mackenziedavis #kerrybishe #HaCF #haltandcatchfire
Enjoying "Halt and Catch Fire", a show I had no (legal) way to watch until recently, it's funny how a show that feels really well researched but oddly drops the ball on certain aspects of tech of the era. Naming C64 programs .EXE instead of .PRG, using C to make C64 software, etc. Then there was the "software pbx" that magically let 50 people use one dialup line. I know there were packet switched solutions (Telent, Tymnet, etc) but that's not the same thing.
#haltandcatchfire #retrotech
#TedLasso's finale stuck the landing. Very few shows that good end well. There's too much of a build up. #HaltAndCatchFire was a very good (not excellent) show that pulled off the perfect ending. #Lasso comes very close.
#tedlasso #haltandcatchfire #lasso
Metadata aren’t the thing. They’re the thing that gets us to the thing.
"The world is going to crack wide open. There is something on the horizon. A massive connectivity. The barriers between us will disappear, and we’re not ready.
We’ll hurt each other in new ways, we’ll sell and be sold, we’ll share our most tender selves only to be mocked and destroyed. We’ll be so vulnerable, and we’ll pay the price." - final statement of Ryan Ray, Dec 18, 1986
From the best TV show ever, #HaltAndCatchFire
#ryanray #HaCF #haltandcatchfire
Winding down my fourth rewatch of #haltandcatchfire and I’m getting withdrawals. 🥹 Love this fucking show. https://youtu.be/NX0JWhASLsk
This movie has an actress from #HaltAndCatchFire which everyone needs to watch! Immediately! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543312/
Totally underrated TV show.
#haltandcatchfire #hcf #retrocomputing #nerdculture #8bit
Watching Halt and Catch Fire on #amcplus #nowwatching #tvseries #HaltAndCatchFire #trakt https://trakt.tv/shows/halt-and-catch-fire/seasons/4/episodes/5
#AMCplus #nowwatching #tvseries #haltandcatchfire #trakt
Watching Halt and Catch Fire on #amcplus #nowwatching #tvseries #HaltAndCatchFire #trakt https://trakt.tv/shows/halt-and-catch-fire/seasons/4/episodes/5
#AMCplus #nowwatching #tvseries #haltandcatchfire #trakt
Watching Halt and Catch Fire on #amcplus #nowwatching #tvseries #HaltAndCatchFire #trakt https://trakt.tv/shows/halt-and-catch-fire/seasons/4/episodes/4
#AMCplus #nowwatching #tvseries #haltandcatchfire #trakt
Watching Halt and Catch Fire on #amcplus #nowwatching #tvseries #HaltAndCatchFire #trakt https://trakt.tv/shows/halt-and-catch-fire/seasons/4/episodes/4
#AMCplus #nowwatching #tvseries #haltandcatchfire #trakt
Watching Halt and Catch Fire on #amcplus #nowwatching #tvseries #HaltAndCatchFire #trakt https://trakt.tv/shows/halt-and-catch-fire/seasons/4/episodes/3
#AMCplus #nowwatching #tvseries #haltandcatchfire #trakt
Pluto TV’s #HaltAndCatchFire marathon is gonna make it real hard to get anything done today. The fact that this show never got a complete series release on DVD or Blu-Ray is criminal. And the only other place to find it now is… AMC+.
Watching Halt and Catch Fire on #amcplus #nowwatching #tvseries #HaltAndCatchFire #trakt https://trakt.tv/shows/halt-and-catch-fire/seasons/4/episodes/2
#AMCplus #nowwatching #tvseries #haltandcatchfire #trakt
Watching Halt and Catch Fire on #amcplus #nowwatching #tvseries #HaltAndCatchFire #trakt https://trakt.tv/shows/halt-and-catch-fire/seasons/4/episodes/1
#AMCplus #nowwatching #tvseries #haltandcatchfire #trakt