Well, I seem to have bought some radios lately. Trying to learn about #dstar and #dmr in the #hamradio bands. Also ordered some BTech #GMRS PRO radios (w/integrated GPS sharing). And a used Motorola DTR600 and DMR1060 (900MHz #FHSS unlicensed). And I need to fire my #Meshtastic mesh back up too. Too long without working with #radios for me!
#radios #meshtastic #FHSS #GMRS #hamRadio #dmr #dstar
Hoping those going to #Dayton #Hamvention will be smart and take precautions. 💉 😷 🌬️
Here are this AM's #COVID numbers from CDC.
Community transmission currently at high/red level and continuing to rise. New (reported) cases are up 300%+ in the last 8 weeks, and the rate of positive tests increased 10x in the same time.
#COVID #hamvention #dayton #hamr #hamRadio #amateurRadio
@ctonysem Yes! So on #hamradio bands in the US, encryption isn't allowed, but AX.25 (packet radio) works at 1200bps on VHF or 300bps HF and I have definitely run emacs over that 🙂
For true #ssh, I use #LoRA and #XBee devices. I wrote https://github.com/jgoerzen/xbnet to facilitate TCP/IP (or ssh) over XBee - my most advanced work in this area - and https://github.com/jgoerzen/lorapipe for a similar thing over LoRA.
I can run #ssh, #TCP, #PPP, #UUCP, even #Ethernet over long-range radio with xbnet!
#ethernet #uucp #ppp #tcp #XBee #lora #SSH #hamRadio
@bhart Another "way too many #hobbies" person, eh? My wife says that I am "susceptible to new hobbies" and she is right. What are some of yours?
Mine include #hamradio, #photography, #retrocomputing, #flying, #programming, #3dprinting, the list goes on...
#3Dprinting #programming #flying #RetroComputing #photography #hamRadio #hobbies
@profoundlynerdy #HamRadio has been a lot of fun for me! I was into shortwave listening and then later in life got the license. It's amazing to throw a wire (carefully cut to length) up in the trees and talk to all 50 states and about 80 countries so far - with nothing but than my antenna and theirs.
The digital modes are also a lot of fun. PSK31 for keyboard-to-keyboard conversations, FT8 for weak-signal work, packet/AX.25/#APRS too. I've fixed a #Linux box over 1200bps packet telnet!
@fetchrobin Hi Robin, welcome to Mastodon. I also appreciate environmental causes, music (mostly classical) and enjoy travel - as an American, my trips to Europe have been a particular highlight. I was in London on business last year, but managed to get in evensong at gorgeous Westminster Abbey and operate the #hamradio station at #BletchleyPark. Enjoyed my visit and hope to #travel in Europe with my kids next year, COVID permitting!
#travel #bletchleypark #hamRadio
Finally not sick, but still dealing with the residual cough, which is not unheard of for a couple weeks after fighting off a virus.
#HamRadio field day was this weekend and although I wasn't able to get out and participate, I was able to finally get myself set up for HF. It only took 23 years. 😅