@ldubost @DaD@mastodon.etalab.gouv.fr
Le repository git du #StopCOVID est-il donc toujours secret ? On ne pourrait pas contribuer aux ou i18n-er les projets GPLv3/AGPLv3 #ProteGO et/ou MIT-3-clause #eRouska/#eRouška, #OHIOH, #Hamagen et #PrivateKit/#SafePaths (dont trois sont européens : ProteGO PL, eRouška CZ, OHIOH DE) ? Le projet NHSApp (UK) est aussi top-secret, apparemment.
#StopCovid #protego #eRouska #OHIOH #hamagen #PrivateKit
The Shield: the open source Israeli Government app which warns of Coronavirus exposure - The Israeli health ministry released a smartphone app which takes location data from users’ phones... more: https://www.grahamcluley.com/shield-israeli-coronavirus-app/ #locationtracking #coronavirus #android #privacy #hamagen #israel #shield #ios
#ios #shield #israel #hamagen #privacy #android #coronavirus #locationtracking