The spot vacated by #Fida #Sörnäinen last November is out for rent starting at about 15,000 €/month. No wonder they had to move out. I wonder how long the other #SecondHand shops can survive in #Hämeentie.
#fida #sornainen #secondhand #hameentie #kurvi #helsinki #realestate #cushmanwakefield #landlords
For the #Helsinki people wondering why #MustaKaninKolo and other shops in #Hämeentie had to move out: the building at the Kaikukuja / Pengerkuja corner is doing a major 2-years renovation at the eye-watering cost of some 6 k€/m², adding one floor.
Optimised for those seeking owner-occupied #housing loans to buy (shared) rental property? (Not clear whether banks are playing along.)
#helsinki #mustakaninkolo #hameentie #housing