@vk1stu Keep at it - you can do a LOT with 10 W on HF! As one of those "F call" people, tell us furrners what privileges you have?
#hamhelpanewbie #hamdigi #hamr
@AE4WX @braydenwise @va3db @N4JAW
Late to the thread and glad to see Jim tagged - the man is out on his bike every day doing #POTA!
@AE4WX @braydenwise It's old Tired/Wired thing:
Tired: Haterade
Wired: Being nice
(not a fan of Gatorade so missed the rhyme ... I mean, the blue stuff looks like *Windex* for goodness sake!)
I see you are Canadian, eh? Please study extra hard to earn Basic With Honours so that you can have privileges below 50 MHz. You won't regret doing that.