Holy fucking!!! Es gibt einen Gott und er heißt Severin Films!!! ❤️❤️❤️
#horrorfilm #petercushing #hammerhorror
#horrorfilm #petercushing #hammerhorror
Early evening viewing: The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires. Not one of Hammer's best, a 70s attempt to cross Peter Cushing vamp horror with the then-popular Kung-Fu craze, but silly fun, and not seen it in years, so...
#horror #film #PeterCushing #KungFu #HorrorFilm #LegendOfTheSevenGoldenVampires #HammerHorror
#hammerhorror #legendofthesevengoldenvampires #horrorfilm #kungfu #petercushing #film #horror
Continuing our weekly #Babylon5 rewatch and only this time around recognising guest star #ChristopherNeame from #DoctorWho Shada and #Hammer film Dracula AD 1972. #TV #70sTV #90sTV #Scifi #HammerHorror #Movies
#movies #hammerhorror #scifi #90stv #70stv #tv #hammer #doctorwho #christopherneame #babylon5
It’s weird when you just remember something that you’d forgotten for maybe 20 years.
In 1990, at the age of 18, I had a little #horror zine (anyone remember zines?). I probably had about 150 copies go out every few months and in it I would give my thoughts on classic horror, what was coming and deepest love #HammerHorror
On a whim, I write to Peter Cushing’s agent and about 6 weeks later I got an email back saying that Peter would be delighted to speak to me.
We spoke for two hours, about Hammer, about #StarWars and #DoctorWho
It was amazing.
I wish I still had a copy of that edition of my Zine l, but alas, lost to history.
#horror #hammerhorror #starwars #doctorwho
#HappyBirthday to #DamienThomas, the British film and television actor, born in Egypt #OnThisDay in 1942. His screen career spanned six decades, including the opening episode of Hammer's Journey to the Unknown (1968), as the seductive Count Karnstein in the company's rousing Twins of Evil (1971), Kassim in Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977), The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1988) and The Limehouse Golem (2016).
#HammerHorror #BritishHorror #HorrorMovies #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD
#happybirthday #damienthomas #OnThisDay #hammerhorror #britishhorror #horrormovies #bornonthisday #botd #otd
...a sympathetic blind resident in Amicus' Tales from the Crypt, the psychiatrist in Hammer's Demons of the Mind (both 1972) and the malevolent professor in Fulci's The Black Cat (1981). Mesmerising as the animal trader in "What Big Eyes", Nigel Kneale's tragic lycantropy riff for Beasts (1976).
#PatrickMagee #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #Amicus #HammerHorror #BritishHorror #HorrorMovies
#patrickmagee #bornonthisday #botd #otd #amicus #hammerhorror #britishhorror #horrormovies
Just browsing Edinburgh University Press upcoming books. And there's "Hammer Goes to Hell: The House of Horror’s Unmade Films" due later this year. Oooh! https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-hammer-goes-to-hell.html #Horror #HorrorFilms #Hammer #HammerHorror #HammerFilms #Films #Movies #FilmHistory #MovieHistory
#MovieHistory #filmhistory #movies #films #hammerfilms #hammerhorror #hammer #horrorfilms #horror
#ScarsOfDracula (1970) and #FrankensteinAndTheMonsterFromHell (1974), alongside #JasonAndTheArgonauts (1963), #SinbadAndTheEyeOfTheTiger (1977) and #TheBoxOfDelights (1984). A portentous scene stealer as the doomed, impaled priest in Richard Donner's #TheOmen (1976).
#PatrickTroughton #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #DoctorWho #DrWho #HammerHorror #BritishHorror #SciFi #CultTV
#scarsofdracula #frankensteinandthemonsterfromhell #jasonandtheargonauts #sinbadandtheeyeofthetiger #theboxofdelights #theomen #patricktroughton #bornonthisday #botd #otd #doctorwho #drwho #hammerhorror #britishhorror #scifi #culttv
Settling in for the night with an old horror movie from Hammer Films #thereptile #hammerhorror #hammerfilms
#thereptile #hammerhorror #hammerfilms
Remembering Ferdy Mayne (1916-98), the great German film / television / stage actor, born Ferdinand Philip Mayer-Horckel in Mainz #OnThisDay. He had over two hundred screen credits across six decades, memorably as vampire lord Count von Krolock in Polanski's The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967), killed by Ingrid Pitt in Hammer's The Vampire Lovers (1970), as the ageing horror film star in Frightmare (1983) and God in Night Train to Terror (1985).
#OnThisDay #ferdymayne #bornonthisday #botd #hammerhorror
248 Days Until #halloween
#halloweencountdown #vhs #scarsofdracula #christopherlee #dracula #hammerhorror
#halloween #halloweencountdown #vhs #scarsofdracula #christopherlee #dracula #hammerhorror
...alongside the headmistress in Whoever Slew Auntie Roo? (1971), Hammer's Creatures the World Forgot and Blood from the Mummy's Tomb (both 1971) and as Ray Milland's sister in The House in Nightmare Park (1973).
#rosaliecrutchley #bornonthisday #botd #otd #hammerhorror
He was also a prolific, inventive horror filmmaker for Hammer, Amicus and Tyburn, often working with Lee and Cushing in movies including Dr. Terror's House of Horrors, The Skull (both 1965), Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (1968), Tales from the Crypt (1972) and The Creeping Flesh (1973).
#FreddieFrancis #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #HammerHorror #BritishHorror #Cinematography #Cinematographer #Director #Horror #HorrorMovies #GothicHorror #Gothic
#freddiefrancis #bornonthisday #botd #otd #hammerhorror #britishhorror #cinematography #cinematographer #director #horror #horrormovies #gothichorror #gothic
Current reading: Slightly Foxed issue Winter 2020 (yes I have a bit of a backlog) and Kim Newman’s short book about Hammer’s Quatermass and the Pit movie.
#Books #Reading #BooksAboutBooks #NonFiction #Essays #Movies #Films #Horror #HammerHorror #HammerFilms #Hammer #KimNewman #NigelKneale #Quatermass #SlightlyFoxed
#slightlyfoxed #quatermass #nigelkneale #kimnewman #hammer #hammerfilms #hammerhorror #horror #films #movies #essays #nonfiction #booksaboutbooks #reading #books
Sorry to learn that #RobertTayman, the charismatic English actor, has passed. Memorable in British films of the 60s and 70s, notably as the evil Count Mitterhaus in Hammer's glorious Vampire Circus (1972) and Mark E. De Sade, the seductive procurer of young women for Pete Walker's House of Whipcord (1974).
#InMemoriam #HammerHorror #HammerFilms #BritishHorror #BritishHorrorFilms #HorrorMovies
#roberttayman #inmemoriam #hammerhorror #hammerfilms #britishhorror #britishhorrorfilms #horrormovies
The most viewed and Retweeted thing ive put on Tw**er (by a mile) was a few lines about thinking Hammer's To the Devil a Daughter is still not that good. And a few of the likes were from anti-vaccers. I don't get it. #HammerHorror #HammerFilms
...Hammer's innovative The Quatermass Experiment (1955), Quatermass 2 (1957) and Hell is a City (1960) and, with Wolf Mankowitz, co-writing / directing seminal, prophetic London disaster / newspaper drama The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961).
#BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #Hammer #HammerHorror #HammerStudios #SciFi #ScienceFiction #BritishHorror #Noir #BritishNoir
#bornonthisday #botd #otd #hammer #hammerhorror #hammerstudios #scifi #sciencefiction #britishhorror #noir #britishnoir
alongside a series of suspenseful, Diabolique-inspired psychological thrillers. He also crafted a trio of fabulous late-period Bette Davis vehicles: the chilling / melancholic The Nanny (1965), venomous black comedy The Anniversary (1968) and ABC's Psycho-infused Scream, Pretty Peggy (1973).
#JimmySangster #BornOnThisDay #BOTD #OTD #HammerHorror #BritishHorror #Gothic #GothicHorror #ClassicHorror #HorrorMovies
#jimmysangster #bornonthisday #botd #otd #hammerhorror #britishhorror #gothic #gothichorror #classichorror #horrormovies
Remembering Michael Denys Gwynn (1916-76), the versatile English film, television and stage actor, born in Bath on this day. Memorable as the Major in Village of the Damned (1960) and Hermes in Jason and the Argonauts (1963), he appeared in both Hollywood epics and Hammer and Amicus horrors. Outstanding as the tragic, cannibalistic product of Peter Cushing's experiments in Terence Fisher's grim, moving The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958).
#michaelgwynn #bornonthisday #hammerhorror