#PhotoJanuary2023 #photography #challenge
Today's #photo subject is #InTheSand. This #photograph was taken on November 10, 2007 at #HammonassetStatePark in #Madison #Connecticut. This photo appears in my book, Scenes From New England.
To see my #photography check my bio for my Instagram link and the link to my #PhotoBook. @photography #beach #bench #sand #water #ocean #sky #clouds #CT
#photojanuary2023 #photography #challenge #photo #inthesand #photograph #hammonassetstatepark #Madison #connecticut #photobook #beach #bench #sand #water #ocean #sky #clouds #ct
One of my all-time #favorite #photographs I have taken is the lead #photo in my new #book, Scenes From #NewEngland. It's from #HammonassetStatePark #beach in #CT.
It's just $24.99 + shipping and makes a great gift. Get in the link in my bio, photobooks.pro/bookstore/43040 or use the QR Code. #noxp
#favorite #photographs #photo #book #newengland #hammonassetstatepark #beach #ct #noxp