Per chi ama l'#Hammond... 😉
💽Album: Clowns
👥Artists: #Nuova_Idea
📆Year: 1973
This is a really good and relatively short (26 min) podcast talking about the problems of stopped trains in #Hammond
#hammond #indiana #hoosiermast #walkability #urbanism
Me: I never played a #Hammond B3.
Brix Gert: We will change that now.
To all music fans out there: the #Eboardmuseum is a must, if you are in #Klagenfurt.
Best part: you can touch and play every instrument yourself.
#hammond #eboardmuseum #Klagenfurt
Jurassic Park - The Early Years: “We spared no expense!”
All shot practically using figures & homemade sets.
#babytrex #jurassicpark #hammond #muldoon #dinosaurs #scifiart #film #popculture #miniaturephotography #islanublar #islasorna #miniatures #photo #filmastodon #creativephotography
#babytrex #jurassicpark #hammond #muldoon #dinosaurs #scifiart #film #popculture #miniaturephotography #IslaNublar #islasorna #miniatures #photo #filmastodon #creativephotography
Letzte Version 2022.07.06. So langsam befürchte ich, das Projekt ist toter als Tod. #Hammond
Ça m'a fait pensé immédiatement à ces chers Charlatans 🙂
Recently Sold: "Hammond B3 Organ" Canvas Print
#forsale #music #organ #hammondb3 #hammond #keyboard #drawbars #closeup #instrument #musicalinstrument
#products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases
#bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks #mugs #throwblankets
#forsale #music #organ #hammondb3 #hammond #keyboard #drawbars #closeup #instrument #musicalinstrument #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks #mugs #throwblankets
Happy #MuseumMonday ! Don't be alarmed! This mysterious contraption, believe it or not, is for setting hair perms! Here's the brave Volunteer Sandy MacDougall demonstrating how the device was used.
#MapleRidgeMuseum #MRMuseum #MRM #Hammond #MapleRidge #MapleRidgeBC #BCMuseums #BCHistory #BCHeritage
#museummonday #mapleridgemuseum #mrmuseum #mrm #hammond #mapleridge #mapleridgebc #bcmuseums #bchistory #bcheritage
#Clonewheel #Shootout: #GSi #VB3m auf altem iPad vs. #SetBFree … wirklich schwierig.
Nur so viel kann ich schon sagen: SetBFree überzeugt in seiner Voreinstellung weniger, möchte erstmal getuned werden, wofür man noch den hinterletzten wahnsinnigen Parameter einstellen kann… dann auf einmal lässt #RobinGareus alias #x42 mit seinem #WhirlSpeaker in der SetBFree die#GSi recht alt aussehen.
Doch welche Orgel ist nun eigentlich die bessere, live auf der Bühne? Ich bin mir unsicher.
Zumal die GSi den Vorteil hat, in der neueren Version als Innenleben von #Crumar-Orgeln in wirklich #Hammond-gerechtem Outfit daherzukommen, ohne beschissenen Touchscreen.
Das #Leslie der #Viscount #Legend hingegen ist deutlich näher an dem von SetBFree und da hat auch schon die handliche einmanualige #Solo alle 20 Zugriegel an Bord (und nimmt ein weiteres Manual per MIDI entgegen bei Bedarf).
Tjoa, der Weg zum passenden Orgollum, schwierig, vor 20 Jahren hatte ich die #Oberheim Viscount OB3², war damals cool, leider krepiert.
#oberheim #solo #legend #viscount #leslie #hammond #crumar #whirlspeaker #x42 #RobinGareus #setbfree #vb3m #GSI #shootout #clonewheel
I like that the GSA is seeing up a bee hive at the Hammond Federal Court House because it's awesome for the environment.
However, this picture is the first thing that popped into my mind when I read the story.
#indiana #bees #courthouse #hammond
Segnalo che è uscito, l'ultimo spin off album del vulcanico Arjen Lucassen: => #supersonicrevolution
Se vi piace il classic metal-prog, soprattutto se se vi piace l'#hammond 😉 , album da non perdere. Non ci sono grandi innovazioni, anzi; ma tanti, quanto piacevoli, omaggi 😃
#supersonicrevolution #hammond #mastoprog #mastomusic #mastoradio #progrock
Happy #MuseumMonday !! Summer break is only a few weeks away! These kids in 1983 were enjoying a summertime classic, the giant slip 'n slide. What are you most excited for this summer?
#MapleRidgeMuseum #MRMuseu #MRM #Hammond #MapleRidge #MapleRidgeBC #BCMuseums #BCHistory #BCHeritage
#museummonday #mapleridgemuseum #mrmuseu #mrm #hammond #mapleridge #mapleridgebc #bcmuseums #bchistory #bcheritage
Happy #ThrowbackThursday ! Summer is almost here, the season of ice cream treats. Lucky for this happy dog, Kathleen Saunders was willing to share with him.
#MapleRidgeMuseum #MRMuseum #MRM #Hammond #MapleRidge #MapleRidgeBC #BCMuseums #BCHistory #BCHeritage
#throwbackthursday #mapleridgemuseum #mrmuseum #mrm #hammond #mapleridge #mapleridgebc #bcmuseums #bchistory #bcheritage
Thanks for publicizing
Adding some more Indiana cities in the Northwest corner.
#nwi #hammond #merrillville #dyer #highland #gary #hobart #lakestation #valparaiso #rennesaeler #indiana
#nwi #hammond #merrillville #dyer #highland #gary #hobart #lakestation #valparaiso #rennesaeler #indiana
Down the Rabbit hole on organ parts for Refugee. Every cover I hear plays it differently, and even Benmont Tench varied it in some of life shows. The recording is so brilliant though, I need to get as close to it as possible.
Ho un rapporto di amore-odio con gli #ELP, ma diciamo che prevale l'amore 😉
#Tarkus è il loro album che preferisco, e questa #BitchesCrystal penso sia dove #GregLake sfrutta al meglio il suo timbro di voce e modo di cantare, un brano #prog a dir poco esplosivo. #Hammond, #synth e drumming sono sublimi.
Mancano solo i fuochi d'artificio.
(in realtà dal vivo quando li guardai in concerto, ad un certo punto #KeithEmerson li sparò davvero da una tastiera!)
#elp #tarkus #bitchescrystal #greglake #prog #hammond #synth #keithemerson #mastoradio
Rafraîchir la page de suivi de livraison du transporteur toute la journée, frénétiquement, parce qu'il devait arriver ce matin, pour découvrir que, finalement, l'orgue Hammond dont tu rêves depuis 35 ans n'arrivera que demain, et partir se coucher en grognant. Encore UN dodo !!! 😡
Oui, je peux le dire. L'Hammond, c'est ma vie. Et soit dit en passant : non, bordel, ce n'est pas un tie-fighter que j'ai tatoué sur la main, banane !!