I wasn't really blown away today:
I copied today's #Morsle at 40 WPM! https://morsle.fun
After missing out on WAE CW last year (old shack gone, contractor behind on schedule), I hope for some CW action the coming weekend.
It's about the only contest where you get to copy random CW messages. Tons of 'm.
Not prefilled, not in any downloadable file. Just copy and type. Relaxing and satisfying.
So: a genuine CW Fest. #gotqtc?
Anyone else doing #WorkedAllEurope ?
#hamradio #hamradiocontest
#hamradiocontest #hamradio #WorkedAllEurope #gotqtc #morsle
UBA Headquarter Station (1 of 12)
Main antenna here. It sits 21m agl.
I added a sloping vertical dipole (top at 16m) and an elevated GP with feedpoint 6m high and two tuned elevated radials slightly sloping down (a/k/a my #pota antenna).
Three antennas fed with homebrew Stackmatch for all permutations (A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, ABC) with Arduino controller.
If you work OPØHQ in this weekend's #hamradiocontest on 20m CW, this is how we exchange RF. Gimme a call!
#hamradio #diyhamradio #iaruhf
#iaruhf #diyhamradio #hamradio #hamradiocontest #pota
I'll be 20CW HQ as OPØHQ for UBA
#hamradio #hamradiocontest #ubabe
#ubabe #hamradiocontest #hamradio
Is Parks On The Air (POTA) a contest? Well, some closed-minded people might think that, as they aren't educated with any factual information about the POTA program.
#parksontheair #pota #activation #potaactivation #Delaware #amateurradio #hamradio #portablehamradio #portableamateurradio #contest #hamradiocontest #amateurradiocontest
#amateurradiocontest #hamradiocontest #contest #portableamateurradio #portablehamradio #hamradio #amateurradio #delaware #potaactivation #activation #pota #ParksOnTheAir
The closest I get to real #hamradio lately:
I copied today's #Morsle at 40 WPM! https://morsle.fun
Too much work, too much 'must do', too much - period.
Next week I hope to empty the head and fill the log in the #CQWPX CW #hamradiocontest.
The weather gods are probably already cooking up strong wind, lightning, snow - anything to rain on my parade.
Gonna tidy up the shack anyway...
#hamradiocontest #cqwpx #morsle #hamradio
Slow going in the CQMM #hamradiocontest .
Big difference with previous years. It's not really propagation... Two years ago there was massive participation.
Yesterday I took down my WARC antenna to deploy the 80m vertical. For only one Brazilian and 4 EU?
Oh well. Let's try to work some more. Especially those juicy SA prefixes.
#hamradio is the #greatesthobbyintheworld
Oh yeah and #cw4ever !
#cw4ever #greatesthobbyintheworld #hamradio #hamradiocontest
In times of low activity, I always get something that reminds me of previous activities in #hamradio .
Like winning the UBA DX SSB #hamradiocontest in my category in 2022.
The pre-special-military-operation era. When UA and UR stations filled my log at a steady pace.
Now we need stable peace...
#radiosport #HamHarder #ubabe #hamradiocontest #hamradio
I copied today's #Morsle at 40 WPM! https://morsle.fun
It was either that or 'connect the dots' with lightning strikes in the neighbourhood.
That and wind, not the WX for unguyed crank-up towers. Probably a #hamradiocontest this weekend? What are the odds. Murphy's meteo cousin is a total #douchebag.
Weather has been raining on my #pota parade too.
How's the solar weather? #rhetoricalquestion
#stampcollecting anyone?
#stampcollecting #rhetoricalquestion #pota #douchebag #hamradiocontest #morsle
I copied today's #Morsle at 40 WPM! https://morsle.fun
Speaking #morse: don't forget the UBA DX CW Contest this coming weekend.
All works all, 24h, 5 #hfbands, focus on Belgium and EU.
#hamradiocontest #hamradio #cqcontest #hfbands #morse #morsle
I copied today's #Morsle at 40 WPM! https://morsle.fun
Now waiting for the wind to hopefully calm down so I can raise the tower and wires for the #arrl #hamradiocontest.
Statistically over the years this event has been skipped the most due to wind/stormy/real storm. Unguyed crank up towers and ropes/wires: it's a mess when the wind plays with the parts of the setup.
I tried it once - never again.
#hamradiocontest #arrl #morsle
This morning I gave a semi-scientific presentation about radiowaves, ionosphere and RF propagation then took an exit to drive down #hamradio lane. The final frontier!
Topics covered: #dxing, QSL cards, public service, friendship, #dxpedition, #morsecode, #hamradiocontest etc.
Target audience: the more clever 16-17 y/o students in my school.
I wonder if they'll accept my offer to stage a live #hfbands showcase?
To decompress, I copied today's #Morsle at 40 WPM! https://morsle.fun
#morsle #hfbands #hamradiocontest #morsecode #dxpedition #dxing #hamradio
I wonder how people find the stamina for 500-1000-1500... QSO in #rtty #hamradiocontest.
I have 80 in a few on/off sessions and it was a struggle not to bail out. Not my thing obviously. I stuck to the 15m band and ran 90W.
I guess OQ5 will remain the elusive WPX multiplier for all the others in this one.
Anyone else doing the #ARRL Sweepstakes contest this weekend? Other than an odd start time and rules, it’s a fun contest. #hamradiocontest #amateurradio #contesting
#arrl #hamradiocontest #amateurradio #contesting
Anyone else doing the #ARRL Sweepstakes contest this weekend?Other than an odd start time and rules, it’s a fun contest. #hamradiocontest #amateurradio #contesting
#arrl #hamradiocontest #amateurradio #contesting
Anyone doing the #ARRL Sweepstakes contest this weekend?Other than an odd start time and rules, it’s a good contest. #hamradiocontest #amateurradio #radiosport
#arrl #hamradiocontest #amateurradio #radiosport