Looking for a #wordpress #hamradio plugin to display ADIF logs.
Not search, edit, make - no: just display an ADIF log file in a formatted style.
There is only one search result in the plugin directory (from 2013 by a DH9) but it seems obsolete.
Is there a workaround? Anyone that does this?
I have no experience in presenting data in a WP site.
#hamradiologging #hamradio #wordpress
@N0ZB interesting!
I'm using #Log4OM for now. I haven't found anything that feels really easy to use *and* be able to look at information about QSOs. It's useful for automatically entering #JS8 and #FT8 QSOs, though.
I use #HAMRS for activating and chasing POTA, but it's just a little too simple. I want to try out #CloudLog but haven't had the time.
#hamradiologging #Cloudlog #hamrs #ft8 #js8 #log4om