I can tell that all the #amateurRadio Nets in my area are organized by people without kids. It’s tough to check in while simultaneously convincing a seven year old to brush their teeth and get ready for bed!
#amateurradio #fedihams #hamradio #hamradionets
Currently listening to the #AmateurAstronomy Digital Voice Net - (which started at 2100EDT and still ongoing) on the #Quadnet Multi-Mode Digital Radio Network. I’m listening via TGIF Talkgroup 320, but there are numerous ways to access the net. Check out the link ~ https://openquad.net/ ~ #hamr #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #Astronomy #KE0FFTnets #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets
#amateurastronomy #quadnet #hamr #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #astronomy #ke0fftnets #hamradionets #amateurradionets
Currently listening to the #AmateurAstronomy Digital Voice Net - which started at 2100EDT ~ on the #Quadnet Multi-Mode Digital Radio Network. I’m listening via TGIF Talkgroup 320, but their are numerous ways to access the net. Check out the link ~ https://openquad.net/ ~ #hamr #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #Astronomy #KE0FFTnets #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets
#amateurastronomy #quadnet #hamr #AmateurRadio #HamRadio #astronomy #ke0fftnets #hamradionets #amateurradionets
TAG (TN, AL, GA) Net
Tonight at 1930EDT / 2330UTC.
“For tonight’s net let’s share what HAM projects you are working on. Studying for a license upgrade? Shack upgrades or downsizing? Antenna work? Community service and events? Saving for the dream shack?
We meet on the air tonight and each Wednesday on the Southeast Link at 7:30pm eastern for the TAG (TN, AL, GA) Multimode Net.”
For more go to www.LMARC.
#KE0FFTnets #KE0FFTdmr #DMRnet #DMRnets #HamRadioNet #HamRadioNets
#ke0fftnets #ke0fftdmr #dmrnet #dmrnets #hamradionet #hamradionets
#AbsoluteTechNet Tuesday evenings at 1900 Eastern. Nets last up to, but no more than 2 hrs. Tonight’s Topic: #Astrophotography // Net Info: https://www.absolutetech.org // See Ed’s (KS7ROH) work here: https://linktr.ee/edjstroh & Roy's (KI7PKL) QRZ page w/ images taken w: the #DwarfII here: https://www.qrz.com/db/KI7PKL // You can listen to this #AmateurRadioNet via livestream - linked on the net’s main website (first one listed above). #hamr #HamRadioNets #KE0FFTnets #DigitalNets
#absolutetechnet #astrophotography #dwarfii #amateurradionet #hamr #hamradionets #ke0fftnets #digitalnets
The “Sounds Good Net” - which deals with everything audio - from technology to music to equipment - is starting up now. Tonight’s initial topic will be “music storage - how do you store your music?” One place you can access it is on the DODROPIN talkgroup on TGIF (Talkgroup 326) and Echolink as well as just the audio here ~ https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/35906. #HamRadioNets #KE0FFTnets #hamr
#hamradionets #ke0fftnets #hamr
0000UTC / 2000EDT Thursday Kentucky DMR Net starting up now on Brandmeister Talkgroup 3121. #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets
#hamradionets #amateurradionets
Come and meet and greet the gang every morning at 7am UK Time. Only on the North West Fusion Group repeater and gateway network. Also find us on WiresX room 44222 (NWFG) and our reflector YSF GB NWFG2 #hamr #hamradio #amateurradio #C4FM #WiresX #hamradionets
#hamradionets #WiresX #c4fm #amateurradio #hamradio #hamr
Last night, as I was driving (Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023) I monitored the “New Ham Net,” - Wednesday nights 1900 Pacific / 2200 Eastern via the PAPA System:
Analog: All PAPA Repeaters,
Analog: AllStar 49171,
DMR: PAPA Bridge tg 31078,
HotSpot: D-STAR XRF012A,
HotSpot: DMR PAPA Bridge tg 31078,
HotSpot: P25 PAPA Bridge tg 31078,
P25: PAPA Bridge tg 31078 #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets #KE0FFTnets ~ https://papasys.com/events/new-ham-net/
#hamradionets #amateurradionets #ke0fftnets
Last night, (Tuesday, March 21st, 2023) as I was driving, I was tuned into the #ColoradoAstronomyNet on #SkyHubLink - #Brandmeister Talkgroup 310847. The Net begins at 1900 MTN (2100 Eastern) ~ "[The net] has been on the 146.940 RMRL repeater since 1996 & is very interesting... Not only great astronomical information but interesting subjects related to all things in the heavens!" ~ #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets #DMRnets #DigitalHamRadioNets #TruckerHam #KE0FFTnets ~ https://skyhublink.com/nets/
#coloradoastronomynet #skyhublink #brandmeister #hamradionets #amateurradionets #dmrnets #digitalhamradionets #truckerham #ke0fftnets
Last night, as I was driving, I was tuned into the “Great Outdoors Net” (Sundays 2200EDT / 2000 PDT on the PAPA System via the PAPA Bridge on Brandmeister TG 31078). This net had one of the most diverse & informative conversations I’ve heard on the radio in a long time, including plant species, 4-wheeling, outdoor trail apps, star-gazing, and state / national parks. This net is one I’ll look for weekly. #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets #KE0FFTnets - https://papasys.com/events/outdoor-net/
#hamradionets #amateurradionets #ke0fftnets
Listening to the DARC (Dallas TX) Astronomy Net - 2200 Eastern / 2100 Central Saturdays
- on 146.880MHz PL 110.9 / Echolink W5FC-R / Node: 37247 / - Also on Broadcastify here: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/29333 ~ All things astronomy.#HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets #KE0FFTnets
#hamradionets #amateurradionets #ke0fftnets
Currently listening to the “Southern Tier Digital Voice Net” (talking about Shortwave Radio and ham QSO’s) - on Brandmeister Talkgroup 31367. The net meets Saturdays at 7:00pm Eastern / also via Wires-X Room 83721 and Zoom (See the link for info.) #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNet #KE0FFTnets ~ https://qsl.net/n/ne2w//dmr/zoom/index.htm?
#hamradionets #amateurradionet #ke0fftnets
Listening to the weekly Antenna Net on the PAPA System via many repeaters and modes as well as #Brandmeister DMR Talkgroup # 31078. Net started at 1900PDT / 2200EDT and 0200UTC. #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets #DMRnets ~ https://papasys.com/calendar/papa-nets/
#brandmeister #hamradionets #amateurradionets #dmrnets
Listening to the Tennessee Statewide Net - which started at 2100EDT / 0100UTC on #Brandmeister DMR Talkgroup # 3147. #DMRnets #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets
#brandmeister #dmrnets #hamradionets #amateurradionets
Last night as I was driving, I listened in to the super-informative, weekly #Antenna Net on the PAPA System (multiple nodes / multiple repeaters - if you don’t know it look it up, especially if you live in California). It happens every Friday night at 1900 Pacific / 2200 Eastern. #KE0FFTnets #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets ~ https://papasys.com/calendar/
#antenna #ke0fftnets #hamradionets #amateurradionets
My Wednesday March 8th, 2023's programmed #Brandmeister [BM] DMR talkgroups & possible nets this evening (some may be off the air): BM 3149822 - EPARA DMR Ragchew Net - 1930EST // BM 311899 - Central Illinois Skywarn Net (possibly at 1930EST? - will confirm) // BM 3129 - Missouri DMR Net - 2030EST // BM 31171 - Illinois Digital Net - 2100EST // BM 31012 - Amateur Radio Astronomy Net - 2100EST - I'm always listening to BM 31663 "Truck-N-Travel." #TruckerHam #KE0FFT #HamRadioNets #AmateurRadioNets
#brandmeister #truckerham #ke0fft #hamradionets #amateurradionets
Amateur Radio #Astronomy Digital Voice Net - Wednesday, March 1st at 9:00pm ET (01:00 UTC)
D-STAR Smart Groups (recommended way to access the Array on D-STAR) DSTAR1 or DSTAR2
D-STAR Reflectors XRF757A, URF307A, URF587A, XLX049D
#astronomy #astrophotography #telescopes #hamradionets
#LMARCsundayNightNet is in progress now - featuring trivia & SSTV as usual. ~ https://lmarc.net/club/resources-tools/sunday-night-net/ ~ #AmateurRadioNets #HamRadioNets
#lmarcsundaynightnet #amateurradionets #hamradionets