@nazokiyoubinbou @Javmaster I'm shure the #Book80806 and #Hand386 are commercial offerings of something someone propably cobbled together out of the need to maintain some old industrial stuff or so...
Unlike the #Wee86 and #WeeCee that #Rasteri built.
Also there are a feckton of 8086 clones and donor machines still in circulation....
#rasteri #weeCee #wee86 #hand386 #book80806
The miracle #Hand386: it lasted all day at my table at #VCFMW yesterday playing demos with a #PicoGUS attached to it. I've always heard it draws more power than the power port can provide so it's always using the battery but it did fine for 14 hours! I kinda wonder if the IPS screen swap I did means it uses less power?
has anyone done a project for reverse engineering the PCBs of the Hand386?
I've been thinking of making a replacement keyboard for it, and I don't want to have to duplicate work if it's already been done
Anybody have a #hand386 and have never run ct.com or my handfix program to enable CRT mode? If yes, do you have an EEPROM programmer like a TL866 and an SOIC-8 clip? I'd love to get a dump of the LCD controller's flash chip in its factory state. 🙏 Mine is *definitely* not in its factory state any more.
My video on the #PicoGUS #Hand386 edition is now complete! I dive in a bit more on the hardware side than in my previous videos.
Recording demos running on the #Hand386 for the video that I hope to release tonight...
I have what might be the only IPS modded #Hand386 in the world right now… this screen is so much better than the stock one! (2nd photo is the stock screen)
I’m going to make a video about the mini #PicoGUS that I made for the #Hand386 but the fact that its LCD went all blue is really messing up my plans. I hope I just need to re-seat the connector that brings the VGA signal towards the front half of it, but the fact that it also changes with viewing angle makes me wonder if it’s a problem with the LCD panel itself…
Testing out #PicoGUS on the #Hand386… it’s a mixed bag. The ISA reset line is noisy so it constantly resets the Pico unless I put Kapton tape over the pad on the connector, and several productions have DMA issues (surprise!!). Here it is playing the song that epitomized the trend of sine leads in mid-90s tracker music, Infinity by Khyron and Necros:
A video review of the Book 8088 and Hand 386 portable retro computers that showed up at AliExpress recenly for under $200. Unfortunately they're no longer available. Or maybe fortunately because they're not great for much more than nostalgia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bODiZ5bP84
#retrocomputing #book8088 #hand386 #minipc
It's come out that those little DOS computers use a rebranded GPL BIOS. The screens are also not great, which is why I passed. Oh well. #Book8088 #Hand386
This is totally a waste of my time and resources but I'm designing a mini #PicoGUS that can plug into the ISA pin header on the #Hand386 and #Book8088. The Pico plugs into the headers above the chips so it's pretty compact... assuming I can actually route everything. Aaahhh I can't help myself!
There is now a teardown of the #Hand386
#hand386 #retrogaming #retrocomputing #msdos