just when you thought it was safe to go back into Doggerland again…
The Submerged Palaeo-Yare: a review of Pleistocene landscapes and environments in the southern North Sea #palaeolithic #HandAxe #Doggerland https://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue61/8/index.html
#palaeolithic #handaxe #Doggerland
just when you thought it was safe to go back into Doggerland again…
The Submerged Palaeo-Yare: a review of Pleistocene landscapes and environments in the southern North Sea #palaeolithic #HandAxe https://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue61/8/index.html
On the Discovery of a Late Acheulean 'Giant' Handaxe from the Maritime Academy, Frindsbury, Kent https://intarch.ac.uk/journal/issue61/6/index.html #IntArch #palaeolithic #Acheulean #HandAxe
#intarch #palaeolithic #acheulean #handaxe
Archeo illustrations are amazingly half-way between representing and reconstructing the object. The illustration itself, is already an act of #cognition, interpretation, presentation. Love it!
From: The Lithic Studies Society
Here is #illustration drawn by C.J.W Taylor of a ficron #handaxe. It was found at a depth of 15ft during the construction of the Seven Kings Station, London.
#cognition #illustration #handaxe #archaeology #lithics
Fascinating evolutionary stage of proto-man interacting with nature to make stone tools 1.2 million years ago.
“Following the deposition of an accumulation of obsidian cobbles by a meandering river, hominins began to exploit these in new ways, producing large tools with sharp cutting edges,” Mussi and her colleagues said in the study.
#hominids #handaxe #paleolithic
An Acheulean hand-axe from the lower Paleolithic - around 800 thousand - 1.2 million years ago and associated with homo erectus or Homo habillis. They are the very first type of created tools derived from Olodowan type.
These hand-axes were the multi-tools are the Paleolithic, with multiple proposed uses, from scrapers and hammers for food preparation to weapons and even supposed ritualistic purposes.
#handaxe #paleolithic #archeulean #archaeology
My neighbour at No. 1 said he'd found a flint tool on a beach at Isle of Wight. So I said "you show me your tool and I'll show you mine". Mine is made of Andesite, picked up in the Cheviots on the way here from the coast. Neolithic People used to camp here from Howick on coast and hunt and fish in the summer. They must have used my garden as a workplace, that's where I found mine. I do think his is superior, being made of flint. So I now have tool envy. #archaeology #HandAxe
Scholars: It is amazing people of the Paleolithic could accomplish so much with an Acheulean hand axe!
Me, mashing sweet potatoes and mixing cookie dough with a fork.
#baking #cooking #acheulean #paleolithic #fork #handaxe
Scholars: It is amazing people of the Paleolithic could accomplish so much with an Acheulean hand axe!
Me, mashing sweet potatoes and mixing cookie cookie dough with a fork.
#baking #cooking #acheulean #paleolithic #fork #handaxe