A small weaving shuttle I quickly carved last night for my first tablet weaving project which I am starting this week!
#Weaving #TabletWeaving #Carving #WoodCarving #TextileArts #Handcrafts
#weaving #tabletweaving #carving #woodcarving #textilearts #handcrafts
I had the whole day available for me today, to do whatever I wanted to.
I decided to listen to a #podcast and #crochet my #shawl.
Now, at the end of the day, I can proudly announce I have crocheted today… *checks notes* …exactly zero rows.
And that’s okay.
If you don’t feel like doing your hobby some day, that’s fine. Just because you could have done it, doesn’t mean you should have done it.
#podcast #crochet #shawl #fiberarts #fiberart #knitting #handcrafts #hobbies
Nothing induces guilt while watching tv as much as an unopened #crossstitch kit laying on the coffee table.
#crossstitch #handcrafts #embroidery #procrastination
I desperately want to get 100% #wool from a local-ish #spinnery and make a #shawl out of it.
Really regretting promising myself not starting yet another project before I finish the current shawl 😭 #woeIsMe
#wool #spinnery #shawl #woeisme #knitting #crochet #handcrafts #fiberarts
遇到一個現場做玻璃首飾的攤位,一擲千金買了一堆,唉呀在巴黎買的話至少得是三倍的價格呢~ #turkey #worldwalk #handcrafts
#handcrafts #worldwalk #turkey
It's been so long since I've done any fiber handcrafts, I forgot how fun it is 😀😍🧵🪡 👖
#clothes #Art #sewing #handcrafts
I’m going to put a 3-4 inch border in dark gray all the way around. This started as a lap blanket and got out of hand 😂
#crochet #fiberart #making #handcrafts
#crochet #FiberArt #making #handcrafts
Got a couple of fiber arts goodies to help me out with spinning and darning. What handcrafts do you enjoy?
#handcrafts #handspinning #fiberarts
The #ExceptionalPuppeteers brought their #Dragon and The #EasterBunny to The Renaissance Active Living Centre on Saturday. #Children could meet The Easter Bunny, and get on the Dragon. Folks could take pictures of their kids. The #Puppeteers had #Handcrafts on sale to support their group. #Ontario #NorthernOntario #Art #TheatreArts #CommunityTheatreGroup #SpecialNeedsActors.
#exceptionalpuppeteers #dragon #easterbunny #children #puppeteers #handcrafts #ontario #NorthernOntario #art #theatrearts #communitytheatregroup #specialneedsactors
gimme five with your ass 🍑✋😁
#chairs #chairhand #handcrafts #curiosities #photography #travel #hand #handy
#CHAIRS #chairhand #handcrafts #curiosities #photography #travel #hand #handy
Loose Ends
Finishing projects that loved ones left behind.
To volunteer or submit a request: https://www.looseendsproject.org/
#knitting #crochet #handcrafts #weaving #tatting #spinning
There's a lot of traveling going on this week, a series of multi hour train rides. A mindless knitting project is essential for those times.
So socks it is. I picked up this ball in a supermarket yesterday on a whim - as if I don't have a ton on sock yarn sitting around the house ...
#knitting @knitting #fiberarts @fiberarts #yarn #wool #KnittersOfMastodon #socknitting #sockknitters #handcrafts
#handcrafts #sockknitters #socknitting #knittersofmastodon #wool #yarn #fiberarts #knitting #WipWednesday
Seeing all those pictures of other people doing the great jobs in mending things, I finally succumbed and got out a pair of socks that had a hole.
The thread was broken, I suspect it was caught somewhere because the break was rather clean. It were two threads and I tried an invisible mend. Only partially successful, but it's at the ankle so not that visible anyway.
#knitting @knitting @fiberarts #handcrafts #sockknitting #mending
#mending #sockknitting #handcrafts #knitting #fixesandmending #fiberuary
Mira, iba a esperar a mañana pero no puedo, el ansia es más fuerte.
Éste es el regalito de cumpleaños que le he hecho a un amigo. Mide 15cm, más o menos. Para ser la primera que hago estoy muy orgullosa :blobhaj_blanketslate:
Who wants? ✨
#mastoart #art #handcrafts #handcrafter #manualidades #mastoarte #arte
#mastoart #art #handcrafts #handcrafter #manualidades #mastoarte #arte
Switched servers on #Mastodon today so I thought I would write an #introduction post! Hi I'm Noelle! Nice to meet you.
Here are some of the things I am interested in:
#coding #html #css #reading #writing #research #cats #apple #android #tech #environmentalism #sustainability #cooking #food #handcrafts #libraries #walking #podcasts #music #guitar #synthesizers #photography #video
#Video #Photography #synthesizers #guitar #Music #Podcasts #walking #libraries #handcrafts #Food #Cooking #sustainability #environmentalism #Tech #Android #Apple #Cats #Research #Writing #Reading #CSS #HTML #Coding #Introduction #Mastodon
Curating my knitwear #blog #knitting #handcrafts #slowfashion #colourhttps://alongcamedad.com/new-blog/2023/1/20/curating-my-knitwear
#blog #knitting #handcrafts #slowfashion #colour
@smashtie Does anyone know what technique is being used here? #needlework #embroidery #handcrafts
#needlework #embroidery #handcrafts
186 palloa ja vuoden ensimmäinen käsityö valmis! Kylppärinmatto. Aloitin neulahuovuttamisen jo marraskuussa. Sen verran yks'toikkoista hommaa, ettei montaa palloa viitsinyt kerrallaan nakuttaa.
#kasityot #handcrafts #kassamastodontti
What am I doing you say? Bookmarks that's why. Custom bookmarks cut and assembled. One by one. Dozens of them to accompany portfolio postcards. It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Now, not so much. But there you go. 🥲✂️
#alzamonart #MastoArt #bookmarks #custommade #handcrafts #CharacterDesign
#CharacterDesign #handcrafts #custommade #bookmarks #MastoArt #alzamonart
I would demonstrate outside… but outside is covered in snow.
Wooden Edmontosaurus pull-toy, made from poplar, walnut, bloodwood, and yellowheart. Wiggly segmented tail.
#wood #handcrafts #toy #dinosaur #woodworking