NWA Day of giving. If you are into that sort of thing. #charity #adaptive #bicycle #sports #adaptivetechnology #handcycle
#charity #adaptive #bicycle #sports #adaptivetechnology #handcycle
The British Human Power Club meets calendar for 2023 has now been finalised. Details of events are available at http://www.bhpc.org.uk/events.aspx
More information for racers at http://www.bhpc.org.uk/how-to-race-with-bhpc.aspx - You don't need to be an athlete to take part: anyone with an interest in trying out their human-powered vehicle on a closed tarmac circuit can participate.
Spectators welcome!
#BHPC #HPV # Cycling #Recumbent #Velomobile #Tricycle #Handcycle #Racing
#bhpc #hpv #recumbent #velomobile #tricycle #handcycle #racing
A wheelchair-bound handcycle user has been attacked by an e-bike rider in Dunedin.
#Dunedin #Ĺtepoti #HandCycle #e-bike
#dunedin #otepoti #handcycle #e