Tag 10 - eine wackelige Hängebrücke
Day 10 - a wonky rope bridge
Sei vorsichtig, die Bretter sind morsch und der Boden der Schlucht im Nebel nicht erkennbar. Und höre ich da Flattergeräusche?
Be careful, the wood of the bridge is old and the bottom of the canyon is not visible trough the fog. Do I hear the sound of wings?
#dungeon23 #dnddeutsch #pnpde #rpgmaps #inkmap #handdrawnmap
Disappointment Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, Minnesota, USA
Ink and alcohol-based marker
#bwcaw #Minnesota #Maps #handdrawnmap #Cartography
Good morning, all! I’m still learning how to connect with the mastodon community. I’ve written two tutorials for how to draw hillshade/shaded relief: 1 with graphite/pencil, & the second tutorial shares how to do color hand drawn hillshade.
1st tutorial is on https://petrichor.studio
2nd is on my site https://sarahbellmaps.com
I’ll start adding more map tutorials on my site 🗺
#cartography #cartograpgher #map #Tutorial #gis #gischat #graphiteart #handdrawnmap
#cartography #cartograpgher #map #Tutorial #GIS #gischat #graphiteart #handdrawnmap