Does anyone have resources on #handDying yarn/fiber? Beginner tutorials, tips and tricks, things you wish you knew when you started?
I'm working on my first #handSpun #knitting project and I don't like the off-white color of the fiber; but #DyeingYarn seems really overwhelming? I don't know where to start!
Is there a kind #handDyer out there with a minute to spare to point a newbie in the right direction? Please info dump at me 🥺
#handdying #handspun #knitting #DyeingYarn #handdyer #fiberart
@JRRM Can be a series of patterns, a single #pattern broken down into daily clues like a MKAL, or a set of #yarns, or yarns+pattern(s) - usually 25 in total, more or less obviously Christmas/Yule/winter solstice themed. Frequently includes extras, like stitchmarkers.
Patterns/pattern "clues" usu released online/by email daily, yarns usually posted together to be opened each day. Cost from Free (e.g., to $$$ (exclusive boutique #handdyer-designer collaboration).