Squid-Con Brings Joy To All - While we’re always happy to see accessibility aids come into fruition, most of the... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/24/squid-con-brings-joy-to-all/ #handheldshacks #nintendoswitch #accessibility #flexures #joy-cons #flexure #joy-con #games
#games #flexure #joy #flexures #accessibility #nintendoswitch #handheldshacks
A Guide to Field Stripping Your Voyager Tricorder https://hackaday.com/2023/08/14/a-guide-to-field-stripping-your-voyager-tricorder/ #handheldshacks #reproduction #tricorder #startrek #teardown #prop
#handheldshacks #reproduction #tricorder #startrek #teardown #prop
A Guide to Field Stripping Your Voyager Tricorder - For the last few years, [Mangy_Dog] has been working on what is easily the most te... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/14/a-guide-to-field-stripping-your-voyager-tricorder/ #handheldshacks #reproduction #tricorder #teardown #startrek #prop
#prop #startrek #teardown #Tricorder #reproduction #handheldshacks
Opening a Curta — With Great Care - We’ve always admired Curta mechanical calculators, and would be very hesitant to d... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/12/opening-a-curta-with-great-care/ #mechanicalcalculator #handheldshacks #toolhacks #teardown #curta
#curta #teardown #toolhacks #handheldshacks #mechanicalcalculator
Blackberry Pi Puts Desktop Linux in Your Pocket - Let’s face it — Android wasn’t what most of us had in mind when we imagined having... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/12/blackberry-pi-puts-desktop-linux-in-your-pocket/ #handheldcomputer #raspberrypizero #handheldshacks #raspberrypi #blackberry #linux
#linux #blackberry #raspberrypi #handheldshacks #raspberrypizero #handheldcomputer
Game Boy-Style Camera For Playdate - The Game Boy Camera, while perhaps not the most technologically advanced piece of ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/20/game-boy-style-camera-for-playdate/ #handheldshacks #gameboycamera #monochrome #grayscale #teensy4.1 #playdate #camera #ov7670 #1-bit
#ov7670 #camera #playdate #teensy4 #grayscale #monochrome #gameboycamera #handheldshacks
Beepberry Brings Memory LCD and a Physical Keyboard to Your Pi - As the 2020s are seeing the return of the flip phone, could we see a rebirth of ot... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/27/beepberry-brings-memory-lcd-and-a-physical-keyboard-to-your-pi/ #physicalkeyboard #blackberryhacks #mobilemessaging #handheldshacks #raspberrypi #blackberry #messaging #keyboard #pizero #rpi
#rpi #pizero #keyboard #messaging #blackberry #raspberrypi #handheldshacks #mobilemessaging #blackberryhacks #physicalkeyboard
Tricorder Tutorial isn’t Just for Starfleet Cadets https://hackaday.com/2023/05/12/tricorder-tutorial-isnt-just-for-starfleet-cadets/ #Microcontrollers #handheldshacks #reproduction #tricorder #LEDHacks #startrek #prop
#Microcontrollers #handheldshacks #reproduction #tricorder #LEDHacks #startrek #prop
3D Scanning a Room With a Steam Deck And a Kinect https://hackaday.com/2023/04/24/3d-scanning-a-room-with-a-steam-deck-and-a-kinect/ #PeripheralsHacks #handheldshacks #3dscanning #pointcloud #steamdeck #RTAB-map #Kinect
#PeripheralsHacks #handheldshacks #3dscanning #pointcloud #steamdeck #rtab #kinect
3D Scanning a Room With a Steam Deck And a Kinect - It may not be obvious, but Valve’s Steam Deck is capable of being more than just a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/24/3d-scanning-a-room-with-a-steam-deck-and-a-kinect/ #peripheralshacks #handheldshacks #3dscanning #pointcloud #steamdeck #rtab-map #kinect
#kinect #rtab #steamdeck #pointcloud #3dscanning #handheldshacks #peripheralshacks
A Miniature MNT For Every Pocket https://hackaday.com/2023/04/11/a-miniature-mnt-for-every-pocket/ #cyberdeckopensource #mechanicalkeyboard #handheldshacks #laptopshacks #Kailhchocs #mntreform #trackball #Featured #Interest #Reviews #laptop #review #libre #MNT
#cyberdeckopensource #mechanicalkeyboard #handheldshacks #laptopshacks #kailhchocs #mntreform #trackball #Featured #Interest #reviews #laptop #review #libre #mnt
A Miniature MNT For Every Pocket - Last time Hackaday went hands on with a product from German company MNT, it was th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/11/a-miniature-mnt-for-every-pocket/ #cyberdeckopensource #mechanicalkeyboard #handheldshacks #laptopshacks #kailhchocs #mntreform #trackball #featured #interest #reviews #laptop #review #libre #mnt
#mnt #libre #review #laptop #reviews #interest #featured #trackball #mntreform #kailhchocs #laptopshacks #handheldshacks #mechanicalkeyboard #cyberdeckopensource
Flipper Zero Mayhem Hat Adds Camera, More Radios https://hackaday.com/2023/03/12/flipper-zero-mayhem-hat-adds-camera-more-radios/ #Microcontrollers #handheldshacks #flipperzero #bluetooth #ESP32-CAM #flipper #wifi
#Microcontrollers #handheldshacks #flipperzero #bluetooth #ESP32 #flipper #wifi
Flipper Zero Mayhem Hat Adds Camera, More Radios - For a device advertised as the “Multi-tool Device for Hackers”, the Flipper Zero a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/12/flipper-zero-mayhem-hat-adds-camera-more-radios/ #microcontrollers #handheldshacks #flipperzero #bluetooth #esp32-cam #flipper #wifi
#wifi #flipper #esp32 #bluetooth #flipperzero #handheldshacks #microcontrollers
RetroArch on a LeapFrog Leapster GS https://hackaday.com/2023/01/30/retroarch-on-a-leapfrog-leapster-gs/ #handheldshacks #SoftwareHacks #LeapsterGS #Retroarch #emulator #Leapfrog #LeapPad2 #leapster #LeapPad #doom
#handheldshacks #SoftwareHacks #leapstergs #retroarch #emulator #leapfrog #leappad2 #leapster #leappad #doom
RetroArch on a LeapFrog Leapster GS - Retro games are a blast, and even more so when you can bring the fun on the go. [m... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/30/retroarch-on-a-leapfrog-leapster-gs/ #handheldshacks #softwarehacks #leapstergs #retroarch #emulator #leapfrog #leappad2 #leapster #leappad #doom
#doom #leappad #leapster #leappad2 #leapfrog #emulator #retroarch #leapstergs #softwarehacks #handheldshacks
Minimalist Homebrew Hardware Recreates Arcade Classics https://hackaday.com/2023/01/22/minimalist-homebrew-hardware-recreates-arcade-classics/ #handheldshacks #diyhandheld #breakout #atmega #snake
#handheldshacks #diyhandheld #breakout #atmega #snake
Minimalist Homebrew Hardware Recreates Arcade Classics - Classic video games might look primitive by today’s standards, but the addictive g... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/22/minimalist-homebrew-hardware-recreates-arcade-classics/ #handheldshacks #diyhandheld #breakout #atmega #snake
#snake #atmega #breakout #diyhandheld #handheldshacks
A Number Maze For Younger Hackers https://hackaday.com/2023/01/14/a-number-maze-for-younger-hackers/ #7segmentLEDdisplay #Microcontrollers #handheldshacks #numbermaze #game #maze #led
#7segmentleddisplay #Microcontrollers #handheldshacks #numbermaze #game #maze #led
A Number Maze For Younger Hackers - [David Johnson-Davies] has a lofty goal of building a small device to give to youn... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/14/a-number-maze-for-younger-hackers/ #7segmentleddisplay #microcontrollers #handheldshacks #numbermaze #game #maze #led
#led #maze #game #numbermaze #handheldshacks #microcontrollers #7segmentleddisplay