If you and your game group like the idea of playing a bright spark of light resisting the darkness of a sadly familiar dystopian world, A/State is the game for you. Take on the role of activists intent on making their little corner of a dysfunctional city and make the world a better place one block at a time!
A/State is on sale for a jaw dropping low price at DTRPG. Shawn, the Metal Grandpa, says, "CHECK IT OUT!"
#indiettrpg #indieTTRPGs #ttrpg #ttrpgs #handiworkgames
Elf Riders for Middle-earth - Finrod Felagund and his bodyguard have finally made it into the loft for some proper photos! https://mogsymakes.net/2023/01/21/elf-riders-for-middle-earth-a-tale-of-plastic-putty-and-3d-prints/ #victrixminiatures #middleearth #28mmwargaming #tolkien #mogsymakes #handiworkgames #jonhodgsonart #oathnmarkminiatures
#victrixminiatures #MiddleEarth #28mmwargaming #Tolkien #mogsymakes #handiworkgames #jonhodgsonart #oathnmarkminiatures
Here's the final part of our series recorded at #UKGamesExpo 2022 featuring @leisuregames_uk, Virginia Page, Jon Hodgson from #HandiworkGames, and Jared Earle from #NightfallGames .
Check it out to hear about The Role Play Haven, #BeowulfRPG, #TheTerminatorRPG, and more.
#UKGamesExpo #handiworkgames #nightfallgames #beowulfrpg #theterminatorrpg
New beautiful KS volume received: "A|State", a dark FitD set in a kafkian and dystopian city - with strong Dark City vibes.
The game is by Jon Hodgson and Handiwork Games, and it features gorgeous illustrations, good layout, and good quality overall.
Looking forward to trying it at the table!
#ttrpg #astate #dystopian #fitd #jonhodgson #handiworkgames #ttrpgart #darkcity
#ttrpg #AState #dystopian #fitd #jonhodgson #handiworkgames #ttrpgart #DarkCity