mimame · @mimame
28 followers · 31 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Most impressive achievement for me is not its integration in the kernel rather have replaced almost every of my tool with better , and completely natural

Very fast illustrative list:
⬅️ terminal
⬅️ editor
⬅️ terminal multiplexor
⬅️ tldr
⬅️ find
⬅️ grep
⬅️ pager
⬅️ interactive ls
⬅️ ls
-delta ⬅️ git diff
⬅️ xdg-open
⬅️ shell prompt
⬅️ upgrade manager
⬅️ ls colors

#rust #linux #cli #design #behaviors #wezTerm #helix #Zellij #tealdeer #fd #ripgrep #bat #broot #exa #git #handlr #starship #topgrade #vivid

Last updated 2 years ago