Love your prostate, exercise it once a while even if you're a #chastityfag 🤭
This time it's a bit more cheating... #handsfree #cum through a bit of perineum stimulation. All masturbations require some form of stimulation to the pelvic core muscle, so fucking yourself with dildo is one form, massaging perineum is another 😅 not exactly "milking" since involuntary contraction still kick in 🤔
#chastityfag #handsfree #cum #gay #gaysub
Less than a minute~
#nsfw #murrsuit #handsfreeorgasm #handsfree #princealbert
Having a lot of fun going over some of my early videos with new editing software. I'll slowly post some of the best results here to uh, warm up to the site~ 😊
Suggest me some more / better hashtags. I'm bad at this~
#handsfree #handsfreeorgasm #murrsuit #dildo
#Ford #Mustang Mach-E, which has this month become the first to offer #handsfree driving capabilities on roads in the UK – a first for the whole of Europe, as well. It is a milestone in the shift to autonomous driving, even if, for now, it is limited to motorways.
It's hard to relive yourself with bat acurate arms
some personal artwork! I like to imagine Affogato as a wyvern with bat-like wings, but there's some....unexpected problems that come with that (/ω\*)……… (/ω•\*)
#furry #fursona #furryart #bat #wyvern #nsfw #knot #tapperedpenis #edging #handsfree #cum #frustration #unsatisfyingorgasm
#furry #fursona #furryart #bat #wyvern #nsfw #knot #tapperedpenis #edging #handsfree #cum #frustration #unsatisfyingorgasm
Anticipating a toy purchase I'll be making this week by enjoying this gif, one more step to being a little sissy...
#nsfw #nudity #porn #pan #handsfree #orgasm #cum #cock #dildo #stockings #legs #smooth #sissy #sissygasm #prostate #pspot #pgasm #anal #dildo #sex
#nsfw #nudity #porn #pan #handsfree #orgasm #cum #cock #dildo #stockings #legs #Smooth #sissy #sissygasm #prostate #pspot #pgasm #anal #sex
New interaction unlocked: when I sneeze, my #Pixel4 pops up the keyboard selector.
#pixel4 #ux #handsfree #android #inputmethods #hayfever
The only "real" #handsfree #electric #skateboard on the market...
(Not counting #onewheel and derivats... they are / #deadly /
I'm torn.
It's slow. It has laughable reach..
But I'd hate myself for letting it slip ..
#stuffalcea #handsfree #electric #skateboard #onewheel #deadly
Falls Ihr ein EKF besitzt, nehmt bitte an dieser Umfrage teil:
#EKF #ULEV #PLEV #EUC #OneWheel #SoloWheel #ESkateboard #ESkate #EScooter #GyroWheel #InMotion #HandsFree #Verkehrswende #Elektromobilität #Emobility
#ekf #ulev #plev #euc #onewheel #solowheel #eskateboard #eskate #escooter #gyrowheel #inmotion #handsfree #Verkehrswende #elektromobilitat #emobility
Seid Ihr dabei? Mit elektrischen Kleinstfahrzeugen über die Formula-E-Rennstrecke auf dem Tempelhofer Feld fahren. Ich habe mich gerade angemeldet!
#EKF #ULEV #PLEV #EUC #OneWheel #SoloWheel #ESkateboard #ESkate #EScooter #GyroWheel #InMotion #HandsFree #Verkehrswende #Elektromobilität #Emobility #Berlin #Tempelhof
#plev #ekf #ulev #onewheel #solowheel #eskateboard #eskate #escooter #gyrowheel #inmotion #handsfree #Verkehrswende #elektromobilitat #emobility #euc #Berlin #tempelhof
Happy #FursuitFriday!
Have a quick and dirty jerk-off session in partial Sergal suit. Was asked to record for someone, so I thought why not share aswell. Enjoy!😏
Full video on:
#murrsuit #fursuit #sergal #jerkoff #cumshot #handsfree #solo #male #yiff
#fursuitfriday #murrsuit #fursuit #sergal #jerkoff #cumshot #handsfree #solo #male #yiff
@JudeNunga @andytiedye @AutisticAdam @actuallyautistic yep, same, I don't take calls when I'm out, for the most part anyway, unless I suspect it's about a package delivery. And even then I wish they could just text me, but the default behavior is to call.
If mobile phone call quality were better overall, I might feel different. But for the most part, juggling multiple objects in my hands while en route someplace isn't a good look for me. #Handsfree is the way to go, and my phones don't support #VoiceControl in any meaningful way.
Not keeping track but it's been at least 3 week without cumming... which means it's super easy to milk this load out 😅 Took maybe < 10 mins? Aneros easily do the job here 😊 #teamlocked #gaysub #gaychastity #handsfree
#teamlocked #gaysub #gaychastity #handsfree