Kotaku: Borderlands Collection Includes 6 Games For Cheap, With Borderlands 3 Coming To Switch https://kotaku.com/borderlands-collection-switch-tiny-tina-wonderlands-ps5-1850791515?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #borderlandsthehandsomecollection #actionroleplayingvideogames #multiplayeronlinegames #firstpersonshooters #gearboxsoftware #randypitchford #handsomejack #windowsgames #borderlands #2kgames #tina #max
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #borderlandsthehandsomecollection #actionroleplayingvideogames #multiplayeronlinegames #firstpersonshooters #gearboxsoftware #randypitchford #handsomejack #windowsgames #borderlands #2kgames #Tina #max
Handsome Jack from Borderlands 2 is the perfect fascist -- or maybe a premonition of Donald Trump to come. #Fascism #HandsomeJack #Trump #bl2
#bl2 #Trump #handsomejack #fascism
Given that no #Borderlands antagonist was ever going to be as beloved as #HandsomeJack it made sense to lean hard in the opposite direction by making them as punchable as possible. Otherwise y'all would complain about the baddies being HJ rip-offs. (2)
@batmanstoner That's... a really good way to describe #ElonMusk. I was once tempted to make a toot comparing him to #HandsomeJack, but I just can't do Jack dirty like that.
Wip of a Handsome Jack body pillow that is a totally self-indulgent thing just for my own self satisfaction heh. Absolutely not lewd, just behind a content warning for questionable taste, heh.
#borderlands2 #handsomejack #dakimakura #bodypillow #wip #fanart
#FanArt #wip #bodypillow #dakimakura #handsomejack #borderlands2
For me it always comes back to Handsome Jack.
#HandsomeJack #Borderlands2 #BorderlandsThePreSequel #Borderfam #BOSStober #MastoArt #tegaki
#tegaki #MastoArt #BOSStober #Borderfam #borderlandsthepresequel #borderlands2 #handsomejack
Holo Jacks
Request from my Waifu. The Doppelgänger’s double back up buddies.
Drawn in #SakuraMicron, #Sharpie, water-based pens, #CopicMarker, and a #UniballSigno pen. Edits in Jump Paint.
#Inktober #Inktober2018 #double #HandsomeJack #BorderlandsThePreSequel #Borderfam #ink #MastoArt
#MastoArt #ink #Borderfam #borderlandsthepresequel #handsomejack #double #inktober2018 #inktober #uniballsigno #copicmarker #sharpie #sakuramicron
Handsome Jack
Jack is a pretty angular dude.
Drawn in #SakuraMicron, #Sharpie, and a #UniballSigno pen. Edits in Jump Paint.
#Inktober #Inktober2018 #angular #ink #HandsomeJack #Borderlands #BorderlandsThePreSequel #Borderlands2 #Borderfam #MastoArt
#MastoArt #Borderfam #borderlands2 #borderlandsthepresequel #borderlands #handsomejack #ink #angular #inktober2018 #inktober #uniballsigno #sharpie #sakuramicron
Drew this for national pineapple day!
#pizza #borderlands #handsomejack #rhys #telltales #art