Holt die Smartphones raus, wir posten! Und zwar barrierefrei: Der beliebte #HandsOn #Workshop mit Laura Marie Maaß, Heiko Kunert & Christiane Maaß wird auch bei der #rpRBF in Hamburg wieder dabei sein ➡️ https://re-publica.com/de/session/barrierefreiposten-so-gehts-1
Apple Vision Pro im Hands-on: Warum ich mich sehr wohl Illusionen hingeben würde
Apples erster räumlicher Computer lässt digitale und reale Welt miteinander verschmelzen. Ein erstes Hands-on mit der neuen Produktkategorie.
#verpasstodon #apple #handson #headset #virtualreality #visionpro
Apple #VisionPro im #Handson: Warum ich mich sehr wohl Illusionen hingeben würde: Dieses Gerät ist ein wenig so, als wenn #ScienceFiction Realität wird. https://www.heise.de/tests/Apple-Vision-Pro-im-Hands-on-Warum-ich-mich-sehr-wohl-Illusionen-hingeben-wuerde-9179768.html
#visionpro #handson #sciencefiction
Hands-on with Apple Vision Pro: This is not a VR headset - Enlarge / This is Apple’s Vision Pro headset. It looks a bit like a par... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1945928 #gadgetology #visionpro #features #visionos #wwdc2023 #handson #apple #tech #ar #vr #xr
#xr #vr #ar #tech #apple #handson #wwdc2023 #visionos #features #visionpro #gadgetology
Ars Technica: Hands-on with Apple Vision Pro: This is not a VR headset https://arstechnica.com/?p=1945928 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Gadgetology #visionpro #Features #visionOS #WWDC2023 #handson #apple #Tech #ar #VR #XR
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #gadgetology #visionpro #features #visionos #wwdc2023 #handson #apple #ar #vr #xr
Apple Vision Pro: Erste Hands-On-Videos
Frisch aus der Pressekonferenz von Apple kommen erste Hands-On-Videos der neuen Macs und der Apple Vision Pro. Lass uns einen ersten Blick auf diese Neuheiten werfen.
Hands-On-Videos: Erste Eindrücke der neuen Macs
Videos, die die neuen Macs in Aktion zeigen, sind bereits aufgetaucht. Diese geben einen ersten Einblic
#News #Zubehr #HandsOn #AppleVision #Video #MacBookAir #YouTube
#News #zubehr #handson #applevision #video #macbookair #youtube
Apple #VisionPro #HandsOn: This Is the Headset I'd Use to Watch 3D 'Avatar' https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/apples-vision-pro-hands-on-this-is-the-headset-id-use-to-watch-3d-avatar/ #augmentedReality
#visionpro #handson #augmentedreality
#Handson With Apple’s #VisionPro: The Opposite of Disappearing https://www.wired.com/story/apple-vision-pro-hands-on-demo/ #augmentedReality
#handson #visionpro #augmentedreality
@ant_pruitt The #GenerativeFill function was introduced yesterday by #Adobe on PS (Beta) desktop. I tried it and was impressed. Are you going to do an upcoming episode of #Handson about this? #aiart https://twit.social/@AdreanaInLB/110420324742912953
#generativefill #adobe #handson #aiart
@kirschner boosted it since the closes one I know of are the #CCCamp23 by @ccc and the #CryptoParty - Workshops by @cryptoparty and others (tho the former is a #Conference and the latter is a #HandsOn #Tutorinal on how to do #GnuPG)...
But yeah, there should be more, as #TechLiteracy is key...
#techliteracy #gnupg #tutorinal #handson #conference #cryptoparty #cccamp23
Magna’s new rearview mirror cleverly integrates a driver-monitoring system - Enlarge / An exploded view of Magna's driver monitoring system built in... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934931 #drivermonitoringsystem #distracteddriving #rearviewmirror #handson #magna #cars
#cars #magna #handson #rearviewmirror #distracteddriving #drivermonitoringsystem
Ars Technica: Magna’s new rearview mirror cleverly integrates a driver-monitoring system https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934931 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #drivermonitoringsystem #distracteddriving #rearviewmirror #handson #magna #Cars
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #drivermonitoringsystem #distracteddriving #rearviewmirror #handson #magna #cars
Wired: 12 Best Mobile Game Controllers (2023): iPhone or Android https://www.wired.com/gallery/best-mobile-game-controllers-for-iphone-android/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/Gaming #Gear/Products/Phones #Gear/BuyingGuides #buyingguides #controllers #mobilegames #videogames #Shopping #HandsOn #phones #Gear
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #buyingguides #controllers #mobilegames #videogames #shopping #handson #phones
Alone in the Dark preview
Alone, but also not alone, with the reboot of the series
#Previews #AloneintheDark #Handson #pax #paxeast #PAXEast2023 #preview #THQNordic
#THQNordic #preview #paxeast2023 #paxeast #pax #handson #aloneinthedark #Previews
Pizza Possum preview
A sneaky possum on the hunt for food -- and on the run from the fuzz
#Previews #CosyComputer #Handson #hands-on #pax #paxeast #PAXEast2023 #PizzaPossum #preview #RawFury
#rawfury #preview #pizzapossum #paxeast2023 #paxeast #pax #hands #handson #cosycomputer #Previews
Void Crew preview
Hands-on with a submarine in space
#Previews #coop #FocusEntertainment #Handson #hands-on #hutlihut #pax #paxeast #PAXEast2023 #preview #space #VoidCrew
#voidcrew #Space #preview #paxeast2023 #paxeast #pax #hutlihut #hands #handson #FocusEntertainment #coop #Previews
Goodbye Volcano High hands-on preview
A narrative rhythm game focusing on the inner workings of high school dinosaur band leaves Sam wanting more
#Previews #GoodbyeVolcanoHigh #Handson #hands-on #KO_OP #pax #paxeast #PAXEast2023 #playstation #preview
#preview #Playstation #paxeast2023 #paxeast #pax #ko_op #hands #handson #goodbyevolcanohigh #Previews
Felicity’s Door hands-on preview
Felicity's Door is a dreamy music rhythm game that oozes charm
#Previews #Area35 #Felicity'sDoor #Handson #hands-on #pax #paxeast #PAXEast2023 #preview #rhythm
#rhythm #preview #paxeast2023 #paxeast #pax #hands #handson #felicity #area35 #Previews
Blackout Protocol hands-on preview
Unfriendly fire can be a surprising blessing in this upcoming rogue-lite
#Previews #blackoutprotocol #Handson #hands-on #OceanDriveStudio #paxeast #preview
#preview #paxeast #oceandrivestudio #hands #handson #blackoutprotocol #Previews