From 1 August I will be curator for #innovation research at the German Port Museum Hamburg @histmuseenhh. Excited & look forward to combine #envhum , #STS, #HistKnow , #HandsOnHistory , #CoCuration & (a wee bit #oceanhist ) to help shape a transformative & sustainable #museum
#innovation #envhum #sts #histknow #handsonhistory #cocuration #oceanhist #museum
Wanted to share the good work students in #ExperimentalArchaeology have been doing in the lithic lab. Students produced obsidian and chert flakes as well as the point below. #HandsOnHistory at
#experimentalarchaeology #handsonhistory #moravianuniversity
Modern Mastodon hunters! Students in my US survey using atlatls earlier this semester #histodons #experimentalarchaeology #handsonhistory #MoravianUniversity
#histodons #experimentalarchaeology #handsonhistory #moravianuniversity