Has anyone spun Polypay before? It's really common in my area but I'm not sure it's worth investing in...
Did you like it? Would you spin it again? Would you seek it out and buy it, or only take it if it was given to you?
#handspinning #handspinner #fiberart
Making progress! I think I'm getting the hang of it - I've spun up nearly all of my practice fiber
Gonna try spinning the other way now OwO
#HandSpinning #HandSpinner #SpinningWheel #fiberArt @fiberarts
#handspinning #handspinner #spinningwheel #fiberart
I finally got all the kinks worked out on my spinning wheel and was actually able to spin up a little tiny bit of fiber ... Before I promptly broke the yarn 🤣
It's a ✨ learning process ✨
#handspinning #handspinner #spinningwheel
@erika Hi Erika, and welcome! I’m a #knitter, #handspinner, and my daughter enjoys #needlefelting. My favorite children’s books are The Snowy Day and The Tomten.
#knitter #handspinner #needlefelting
Going to go pick up a bulk batch of alpaca roving today!
I don't need all 20lbs of it, so I guess uhhhh are there any #HandSpinner in the Grand Rapids -> Lansing area of Michigan who want to split it with me? I can bring it to you.
#handspinner #handspinning #fiberart #roving #yarn #alpaca
I just found a farm near me selling alpaca roving for $16 a pound, but you have to buy the whole 22 pound lot
... looking at my bank account right now like "can I afford a lifetime supply of alpaca??"
#handspinner #handspinning #spinning #fiberart
Yeah, unsere Spinngruppe hat's in die lokale Zeitung geschafft.
Man darf übrigens auch kommen, wenn man stricken, häkeln, weben ... will. Oder nur mal schauen will, wir das alles funktioniert.
Here's a much better picture of the spinning wheel. I took it all apart, gave everything a good dust and an oil, and replaced the drive band.
It could be refinished, but otherwise I'm super impressed with the state it is in. The flyer still has all it's original hooks! None are bent or missing.
I do have a small issue where I couldn't get this metal nub (bearing?) to move, so the bobbin is stuck to the flyer. Any tips for getting it off?
Three Jacobs sheep fleeces!! The colors are so beautiful 😍
When I picked it up, the seller told me he would be shearing again this summer and offered me those fleeces as well (and I agreed because I got this for an incredibly fair price), so I'm gonna have to get processing and figure out what to do with it all before I am absolutely overrun with fleeces.
#wool #fleece #sheep #handspinner #fiberart
Practicing my #handspinning on the #dropspindle tonight
10g fiber
45 minutes to spin
87.5 feet / 29.16 yards
Trying to spin 30g tonight so I can fix up a little 3-ply sample
#handspinning #dropspindle #handspun #handspinner #yarn
Hey I guess it’s time for #introductions so … let’s try doing it with a hashtag mess.
Hi everyone, I run #abbysyarns and #franquemontuniversity and I’m a #handspinner, #spinningteacher, #weaver, #knitter, and whatnot, so I enjoy #spinning aka #handspinning, #weaving aka #handweaving, #yarn, #fiberarts #fibrearts and all that kind of thing.
You may know me elsewhere as abbysyarns, you may know me from my published works.
#introductions #abbysyarns #franquemontuniversity #handspinner #spinningteacher #weaver #knitter #spinning #handspinning #weaving #handweaving #yarn #fiberarts #fibrearts #cusco #peru
Le "#HandSpinner", star des jouets… et des produits #dangereux... la Commission #européenne a particulièrement mis en avant dans son rapport annuel les #dangers liés à certains modèles de "hand #spinners" ou "fidget spinners". En effet, certains cassent facilement et de toutes petites pièces peuvent être ingérées par les #enfants.
#enfants #spinners #dangers #européenne #dangereux #handspinner
#handspinner #fidgetspinner