@atomicpoet @rasterweb Exactly this. Well almost, since I had a #Handspring Visor, but still...
How much stuff you could fit on those 8 MB!
A friend of mine was convinced back then that the Treo, arguably the first Smartphone and designed to replace the Visor, could never, ever be a success because "How can you take notes or look up something while talking on the phone? We NEED two separate devices!"
What a pity that Jobs guy did never get the memo... *sigh*
I finally got around to watching @theverge documentary on #Handspring and it was fantastic! #Palm and #Handspring were both my first mobile devices and this brought me right back.
Good side vs bad side. Slowly getting bad side going. #handspring #pdayesha #poledance #tankotanssi #kadsfi #fitness #calisthenics
#handspring #pdayesha #poledance #tankotanssi #kadsfi #fitness #calisthenics
This Handspring Visor Pro didn't come with a sync cradle, so rather than buying one, I decided to modernize it a little bit. I used an Adafruit USB-C breakout board, and some not-so-great Dremel work, to add a USB-C port on the side. It's only wired for USB right now, but since it has 8 contacts, I may be able to use the remaining contacts to connect with serial over a USB cable. I have a few ideas for that...
#adafruit #visor #handspring #pda #palmos #palm #retrotech
My wife was scanning recipes from an old cooking magazine from November 2000. Look what I found, an ad for #Handspring #Visor in translucent orange.
Remember these #palmpilot devices? I miss these simple devices especially in translucent colors.
#handspring #visor #palmpilot #retro #retrogaming #retrocomupting #tech
@Benni Nett, aber natürlich nix gegen die echte Hardware. Mein letzter #Handspring Visor mit #Palm-OS ist auch nach über 20 Jahren noch lauffähig. Ich müsste nach der langen Auszeit allerdings nochmal die zusätzliche Software nachinstallieren. Und gucken, ob die USB-Treiber unter den neueren Windowsversionen noch funktionieren. Und ggf. das Windows 98 oder XP reaktivieren. Und ... naja, lassen wir das.
Der Emulator ist fein!
Da kommen Erinnerungen hoch. #retro #palmos #handspring #ichbinalt
#retro #palmos #handspring #ichbinalt
I have a #Handspring PDA, with the box somewhere, was exceedingly helpful, once.
RT @Grady_Booch
In case my iPhone stops working
appel aux linuxien·nes
je tente d'installer #jpilot sur ma session #archlinux et le résultat est une erreur
le terminal m'indique un config.log à aller lire. Alors autant je pense l'avoir trouvé…autant je n'y comprends rien ^^'
si vous avez 5 minutes à dépenser à la compréhension de la chose, je serais preneur.
le but est d'arriver à installer sous cette session, ce qui tourne déjà sur la session #debian pour pouvoir communiquer avec le #handspring 😊
#archlinux #handspring #debian #JPilot
alors pour synchroniser le #handspring visor #palmOS à l'ordi je tente d'installer #jpilot
avec arch j'ai un souci d'installation
avec deb tout s'est déroulé correctement du premier coup
le matos de 20ans d'âge fonctionne super bien ^^
reste à faire que ce soit ok aussi sous #archlinux
#archlinux #handspring #palmos #JPilot