Què bé escriu Peter Amadio, redéu. #hyaluronicAcid #TendonRepair #HandSurgery #HandTherapy
#hyaluronicacid #tendonrepair #handsurgery #handtherapy
¡Ya casi estamos! Mañana empezamos la tercera edición del curso del que estoy más orgulloso.
¡Nos vemos en Fisioterapia La Trobada Algemesí!
#fisioterapia #pt #terapiademano #handtherapy #cooperativa
This looks like a great course for anyone wanting to know more about hand anatomy! #HandSurgery #HandTherapy #Dupuytrens #AnatomyArt
#handsurgery #handtherapy #dupuytrens #anatomyart
Otra clase genial cortesía de Pulvertaft sobre los "dedos en martillo" y su tratamiento https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAkA9FI1MEo
#handsurgery #handtherapy #splinting
Voy a empezar a hablar del tratamiento de las lesiones de los dedos mencionando al mastodonte en la habitación: La movilización pasiva forzada, y cito a Mick Kreulen en "Management of complications in common hand and wrist procedures" de la FESSH en 2021:
"The greatest risk of a dynamic regime is to put too much force on the tissues. Overzealous redression and forceful exercise by either a hastily patient or an inexperienced therapist will do more harm than good."
Please allow me to introduce myself.
I'm a PT focused on #HandTherapy, #NeuropathicPain and #CPRS. I've been working on this for the last 23 years and among other things I was president of the Spanish Hand Therapy Association for a couple of years.
I've got my own practice, collaborate as a lecturer in 2 universities and teach in post-grad education now and then.
I have a background as an illustrator and graphic designer before being a PT so maybe you've seen posters or graphs made by me.
#handtherapy #neuropathicpain #cprs