RT @1kevgriff
🚀 Course Launch! 🚀
Friends! I'm happy to announce the launch of my new course:
Building Background Services in .NET with #HangFire
📖 Learn more: https://consultwithgriff.com/building-background-services-with-hangfire-course-launch/
💳 Buy the course: https://www.udemy.com/course/building-background-services-in-net-with-hangfire/?referralCode=ADE705B8BB4A44749A7D
🚀 Course Launch! 🚀
Friends! I'm happy to announce the launch of my new course:
Building Background Services in .NET with #HangFire
📖 Learn more: https://consultwithgriff.com/building-background-services-with-hangfire-course-launch/
💳 Buy the course: https://www.udemy.com/course/building-background-services-in-net-with-hangfire/?referralCode=ADE705B8BB4A44749A7D
I often resort to using Hangfire on Optimizely websites that need a job queue or advanced job scheduling. And I apply these four tricks every time. #optimizely #episerver #hangfire
#optimizely #episerver #hangfire
Blogged: Using Hangfire with ASP.NET Core
#aspnetcore #dotnet #hangfire #events
@khalidabuhakmeh we are using it without persistence.
when we need persistence, we use #hangfire