What could go wrong...:
The Jujutsu Kaisen hanko collection is here to stamp away your curses…and paperwork
> Turn to your favorite character from the popular shonen anime for help with all of your bureaucratic needs that require a signature.
#hanko #japaneseculture #japan
2.6.43 #olavipaavolainen toteaa suomalaisten #SS-miesten saapuneen edellisenä päivänä kotimaahan kahden vuoden sopimusajan loputtua. Vastaanotto vaatimaton; juhlallisuudet #Hanko'ssa, lehdistö ei noteeraa.
#Saksa ja #liittoutuneet riitelevät siitä, kumpi on aloittanut asuinalueiden ilmapommitukset.
#paavolaisenjatkosota #liittoutuneet #Saksa #hanko #ss #olavipaavolainen
Installing lines in Japan can sometimes be a hassle. Especially when hankos (official seals) from building management are needed from multiple locations across the city. Having to navigate a number of locations to coordinate an installation. Acquiring the necessary hankos can be time-consuming and requires meticulous coordination. Despite the challenges, we ensure seamless installations by working closely with the facility to obtain the required approvals.
#Hankø 21:42 Nødetatene rykket ut til Hankø etter at en mann falt i vannet. Reddet opp av Sea King og fløyet til sykehus.
Hangon lintuasemalla tuli oltua paljon nuorempana, ja nyt sinne pääsee myös kaikille avointa luontopolkua pitkin. Kannattaa käydä!
During the last two hours I've done a very quick #Hanko #Swift Client library implementation for #Passcode|s ( and #Passkey|s), Passcodes work fine but I haven't been able to test Passkeys yet. Once this is done I'll have a solid identity/auth in place which my next project will be based on. https://github.com/Bearologics/HankoSwift #OpenSource #buildinpublic
#hanko #swift #passcode #passkey #opensource #BuildInPublic
I just deployed #Hanko and so far I’m quite liking it. Got a little nice new PoC (that‘ll eventually turn into a product) in the making but it’ll take quite a bit of time still. https://github.com/teamhanko/hanko
Hanko - Open Source Authentication that can do more than just passwords. The future is passwordless – but today is not. Hanko provides a beautiful login that meets your users where they are, and... https://www.hanko.io #Dev #Authentication #OpenSource #Hanko by @hanko_io@twitter.com
#dev #authentication #opensource #hanko