Eigentlich halte ich mich immer an #hanlonsrazor, bei #Wissing und der #FDP fällt es mir aber sehr, sehr schwer.
@kjuh @hn3000 @ZDF
Naja, es sind immer nur "dark patterns" am werk. Meist aber dummheit und unkenntnis, nicht immer absicht (#hanlonsrazor). Ich hab da 2021 mal was geschrieben:
what I like more...
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by curiosity.
(instead of stupidity)
@atax1a The philosophy: don’t attribute to malice what can more easily be explained by incompetence. #HanlonsRazor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor
Hanlon’s Razor Defence:
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
#hanlonsrazor #defencestrategies #neverstoplearning
So let me understand: Black people aren't enthusiastic about a phrase explicitly and specifically coined as a racist dogwhistle - and they're a hate group for that?
Are people really this obtuse?
This guy isn't stupid. Most people aren't. It's why I've always had trouble with #HanlonsRazor. It's MUCH easier for me to believe that something's rooted in malice than to dismiss it as the result of stupidity or ignorance.
Først smadrer vi uddannelsen af danske officerer
så landet ikke kan forsvare sig selv, så smadrer vi de videregående uddannelser, så vi ikke kan tjene penge https://www.dtu.dk/nyheder/alle-nyheder/claus-nielsen-kronik?id=974ef987-aa8c-4294-8fb1-77ba558c805d Jeg håber det er dumhed, for hvis det er ondskab, bliver jeg for alvor nervøs. #HanlonsRazor #dkUddannelse #dkForsvar
#dkforsvar #dkuddannelse #hanlonsrazor
I have a hard time believing that so many business decisions are done solely to “send a message”. Laying off thousands of people may be the wrong decision, and it may be for stupid reasons, but is there any actual evidence that companies are doing it to just put the uppity labor class in check? (I’m genuinely asking. There may well be leaked memos or something, but I’ve only seen assumptions.) #HanlonsRazor
@rands never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
But really not sure if he's that stupid.
@Green_Footballs Normally I'd call #hanlonsRazor on something like this (never attribute to malace that which can accurately be attributed to stupidity).
In this case however, he has a history of pulling stupid shit like this.
When he was in charge of #payPal, he attempted to get the development staff off #linux and onto #windows.
If your developers are doing a good job, your only going to shoot yourself in the foot pulling shit like that.
#hanlonsrazor #paypal #linux #windows
I've been reading #IDW's #JemAndTheHolograms comic, and it's pretty weird that Jetta calls Rio and Eric "ponces" in a comic that's otherwise very pro-#LGBT. Particularly since her friend Stormer is openly gay and she's totally cool with Blaze being trans.
#HanlonsRazor suggests that Kelly Thompson, an American, just didn't know what 'ponce'; actually means. Still, it's an unfortunate blemish on what's otherwise a pretty decent ocmic.
#idw #jemandtheholograms #lgbt #hanlonsrazor
I've been reading #IDW's #JemAndTheHolograms comic, and it's pretty weird that Jetta calls Rio and Eric "ponces" in a comic that's otherwise very pro-#LGBT. Particularly since her friend Stormer is openly gay and she's totally cool with Blaze being trans.
#HanlonsRazor suggests that Kelly Thompson, an American, just didn't know what 'ponce'; actually means. Still, it's an unfortunate blemish on what's otherwise a pretty decent ocmic.
#idw #jemandtheholograms #lgbt #hanlonsrazor
I've been reading #IDW's #JemAndTheHolograms comic, and it's pretty weird that Jetta calls Rio and Eric "ponces" in a comic that 's otherwise very pro-#LGBT. Particularly since her friend Stormer is openly gay and she's totally cool with Blaze being trans.
#HanlonsRazor suggests that Kelly Thompson, an American, just didn't know what 'ponce' actually means. Still, it's an unfortunate blemish on what's otherwise a pretty decent ocmic.
#idw #jemandtheholograms #lgbt #hanlonsrazor
I've been readinf #IDW's #JemAndTheHolograms comic, and it's pretty weird that Jetta calls Rio and Eric "ponces" in a comic that 's otherwise very pro-#LGBT. Particularly since her friend Stormer is openly gay and she's totally cool with Blaze being trans.
#HanlonsRazor suggests that Kelly Thompson, an American, just didn't know what 'ponce' actually means. Still, it's an unfortunate blemish on what's otherwise a pretty decent ocmic.
#idw #jemandtheholograms #lgbt #hanlonsrazor
I can almost see the 'reasoning' that EM stans have that he's somehow doing psychic kung-fu and 12-dimensional chess. He's the quintessential nerd magnet, and they see him happily smashing Twitter to pieces and they think, "He's SpaceX! He's a genius on the level of Tony Stark! This is all part of some amazing plans that will blow everyone's minds when revealed!"
When the truth is more likely #HanlonsRazor. He's a rich dumb guy who bought himself a tech-bro-guru persona.