On Monday night (22nd), I'll be talking with L.R Lam, Hannah Kaner & Anya Bergman for the @TheEdinburghBookshop event at Christ Church in #Bruntsfield
Witches, Dragons, Gods & Monsters (not saying which of us is which!). Details on EB site https://www.edinburghbookshop.com/events
#Edinburgh #books #Bruntsfield #livres #Edimbourg #bookshops #librairie #HannahKaner #AnyaBergman #LRLam #WitchesOfVardo #Godkiller #Dragonfall
#dragonfall #godkiller #witchesofvardo #lrlam #anyabergman #hannahkaner #librairie #bookshops #edimbourg #livres #books #edinburgh #bruntsfield
Finished reading Godkiller, by Hannah Kaner, on the train home today. Solid fantasy quest story, with three different characters on different paths. Good pacing, good reveals, good world - really liked the bridge.
#hannahkaner #godkiller #amreading