"Stop Telling Kids they’ll Die from #ClimateCrisis –we need to chge this narrative. We need to stop putting tht burden on our kids– not only b/c it’s cruel, but because it’s wrong & ineffective in helping us turn things around.
We don’t need to pull the wool over their eyes...pretend that there's no problem. But we can & should focus on what we can do about it. B/c we can do something about it. A lot."
#HannahRitchie #SustainabilitybyNumbers #Substack #Ecocide
#ecocide #substack #sustainabilitybynumbers #hannahritchie #ClimateCrisis
Yes, #criticalminerals are important for the transition to #renewables, and we should think hard about reducing their impacts and building more justice and equity into their extraction...
BUT, as this #hannahritchie piece points out, switching to RE from fossil fuels will radically reduce the overall level of extraction and mining.
#hannahritchie #renewables #criticalminerals
From #HannahRitchie's newsletter (#Sustainability by numbers):
#ElectricVehicle #batteries would have cost as much as a million dollars in the 1990s
In the last 30 years, the price has fallen by more than 98%.
#EVs didn’t stand a chance of making it commercially until the last few years.
They’re not just cheaper, they’re much smaller and lighter too.
Batteries have followed what we call a ‘learning curve’, where the more you build, the cheaper they become.
#evs #batteries #electricvehicle #sustainability #hannahritchie