🧙 Uno de los días que estuvimos en Holanda, nos acercamos a este parque/crepería basado en el cuento de Hansel y Gretel. Aunque la temática era más amplia: brujas. Sea como sea, lo pasamos tan bien que quería compartirlo con vosotros.
🍭 Ah, esto se llamaba HANS & GRIETJE PANNENKOEKENHUIS y estaba en Sternweg, 2A, 3898 LJ Zeewolde, Zeewolde - Países Bajos. Por si queréis ir.
Feliz lunes. 😉🖖🏼
#viajesporelmundo #hanselandgretel #hansandgrietje #zeewolde #paisesbajos #netherlands #holland #viajeenfamilia #victormorataescritor #VictorMorata #victormoratawriter #siervosdelaguadaña #finalistadomingosantos2022 #viajesconelgañan #Holanda #pannenkeoekenhuis #creperia
#viajesporelmundo #hanselandgretel #hansandgrietje #zeewolde #paisesbajos #netherlands #holland #viajeenfamilia #victormorataescritor #victormorata #victormoratawriter #siervosdelaguadana #finalistadomingosantos2022 #viajesconelganan #holanda #pannenkeoekenhuis #creperia
Kotaku: These 4 Horror Titles Are The Ultimate Anti-Cozy Games https://kotaku.com/best-horror-video-games-steam-amnesia-outlast-pc-1850194078 #gaming #tech #kotaku #amnesia3athedarkdescent #horrorvideogames #hanselandgretel #dawnjumpscares #survivalhorror #creativeworks #humaninterest #windowsgames #residentevil #videogaming #milesupshur #lostinvivo #videogames #linuxgames #sebastian #akumakira #auntgrace #joerogan #franbow #outlast #gretel #hansel #daniel #it
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #amnesia3athedarkdescent #horrorvideogames #hanselandgretel #dawnjumpscares #survivalhorror #creativeworks #humaninterest #windowsgames #residentevil #videogaming #milesupshur #lostinvivo #videogames #linuxgames #sebastian #akumakira #auntgrace #joerogan #franbow #outlast #gretel #hansel #daniel #it
We're almost through with the cold and dark and scary winter stuff! Hooray!
Here's a pic from a while ago that someone put up that they had to take down shortly thereafter. 🤪
#photomonday #Fotomontag #danger #winnipeg #hanselandgretel
heute wieder Vorstellungsdienst im #theatervonoben. Wir geben #hanselandgretel #Oper. Mit dem knuffigeb Sandmännchen und Taumännchen.
#theatervonoben #hanselandgretel #Oper
Illustration for Coven Plant Based Marketplace in Hamilton, ON
#mastoart #artwork #illustration #drawing #shirtdesign #darkart #hanselandgretel #fairytale #darkart
#fairytale #hanselandgretel #darkart #shirtdesign #drawing #illustration #artwork #mastoart
🎉🎊 #HappyBirthday to #JeremyRenner (Our #Hawkeye)❤️
Praying for a speedy recovery, Hope to see him soon on the big screen😌
🎥 #Films: #Arrival, #TheHurtLocker , #TheTown, #AmericanHustle, #WindRiver, #HanselandGretel: #WitchHunters, #28WeeksLater, #MCU Films.
#happybirthday #jeremyrenner #hawkeye #recommended #films #arrival #thehurtlocker #thetown #americanhustle #windriver #hanselandgretel #witchhunters #28weekslater #mcu
Der Kulturweihnachtsbaum schenkt heute 1,2m Karten für #hanselandgretel# oper #opera freue mich sehr zusammen mit der erweiterten Familie im #Stadttheater das Kind mit dem Kinderchor vom Sessel aus zu sehen. Bisher von der Seitenbühne aus.
#hanselandgretel #opera #Stadttheater
On December 25, 1931, New York's Metropolitan Opera initiated 91 years (and counting) of radio broadcasts with a production of Englebert Humperdinck's #HanselAndGretel. This is very obviously not it, but the Kuklapolitans do the best with what they have...even taking the cast rebellion into account.
#KuklaFranAndOllie, December 28, 1949
#merrychristmas #1940s #vintagetv #kuklafranandollie #hanselandgretel
Heute als Betreuer den Kinderchor in Haus zur Aufführung begleiten. „…die Hexerei ist nun vorbei nun singen und springen wir froh und frei…“ #theatervonoben #Stadttheater #hanselandgretel
#theatervonoben #Stadttheater #hanselandgretel
This year's gingerbread house (before it collapsed because of heat! 😅)
I wanted it to look like the witches house in Hansel and Gretel 🍬🍭
#PeberkageHus #Gingerbread #GingerbreadHouse #HanselAndGretel
#hanselandgretel #gingerbreadhouse #gingerbread #peberkagehus
This year's gingerbread house (before it collapsed because of heat! 😅)
I wanted it to look like the witchrmes house in Hansel and Gretel 🍬🍭
#PeberkageHus #Gingerbread #GingerbreadHouse #HanselAndGretel
#hanselandgretel #gingerbreadhouse #gingerbread #peberkagehus
#Greta, warum hast du so einen großen Korb dabei?“
„Damit ich dir ein #Balkonsolar-Gerät vorbeibringen kann“
„Und was hast du da in der Hand?“
„Einen Akkuschrauber um das #Solarkraftwerk anzubringen“
#greta #balkonsolar #Solarkraftwerk #hanselandgretel #gretel #redridinghood
Continuing as the same world as Lil Red from the last piece, meet Hansel and Gretel.
#hanselandgretel #inktober #inktober2019 #warmcolors #candycane
#candycane #warmcolors #inktober2019 #inktober #hanselandgretel