@IzabelaKaramia You might enjoy the brilliant and enlightening talk by #HansRosling on “The magic washing machine”.
It’s still one of my favorite talks on #poverty , #ressource distribution, and why technology can support #empowerment and #education.
#hansrosling #poverty #ressource #empowerment #education
Earlier this year, I took on blogging again, reviewing one book from my Data Viz Bookshelf every week.
Here's my first post, from back in January - about how I (like many) learned to love data storytelling with Hans Rosling.
#data #dataviz #visSocial #datavisualization #datastorytelling #hansrosling #factfulness #bookreview #bookrecommendation
#data #dataviz #vissocial #datavisualization #datastorytelling #hansrosling #factfulness #bookreview #bookrecommendation
@nrchtct i am a huge fan of #HansRosling, his optimism, physical presence and lifetime achievement in #sciencecommunication. And yet, I've always had the feeling that his thesis can't be universal and that we're at a turning point. Paulsen performed that convincingly, even if he does it too much at the expense of Hans's legacy. A bit too complacent for my liking…
#sciencecommunication #hansrosling
Suosikkikolumnistini #MartinWolf, #FinancialTimes kirjoittaa varsin #HansRosling -henkisesti: omaamme mahdollisuuden selvitä #polykriisi’stä. Pandemia opetti, ettei enää voida puhua ”meistä ja muista”. Talous, taudit, ilmasto leviävät rajojen yli ja kriisit niiden mukana.
Wolf peräänkuuluttaa 3 I:tä
-Investoimista - Investing
-Varautumista - Insurance
-Kekseliäisyyttä - Innovations
Näin o. Olen samaa mieltä.
The optimists were right and can be so again https://on.ft.com/3G2ssg9
#ftgiftlink #polykriisi #hansrosling #financialtimes #martinwolf
World reached 8 billion, growing a bilion in just 10y. Average family is 2 children since 1965. We still grow because life expectancy also improved and getting old... takes time! (To fill the equiv higher age group.)
For sixty years we've been on track to reach, and settle, at 11 billlion.
Data: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/births-and-deaths-projected-to-2100
I love the #HansRosling #TED talks on world change:
Quick facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8t4k0Q8e8Y
Myths: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm5xF-UYgdg
Pop growth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh94kK05l-M&t=70s
Apparently, we reached 8 billion today… I will always be inspired by the talks of #HansRosling, here on “over”population
Weil ich heute Links zu Hans Rosling, Gapminder.org und so rausgesucht habe:
Ola, Hans' Sohn ist ähnlich gut und redet hier eine sehr interessante Stunde über "Factfulness" (auch das Buch) und die Common Misconceptions und warum wir alle ziemlich falsche Vorstellungen über "die Welt" haben, die den Fakten nicht (mehr) entsprechen.
#hansrosling #factfulness #gapminder #fakenews #FaktNews
Für nicht nur all jene, die sich von all den tatsächlichen und eingebildeten Problemen in der Welt überfordert fühlen:
"Wenn etwas besser wird, hören wir oft nichts davon. Dadurch bekommen wir einen systematisch zu negativen Eindruck von der Welt um uns herum, was sehr belastend ist".
(Hans Rosling: “Factfulness”)
Eine wirksame Übung, um mit sich und in seiner Umwelt wieder Harmonie zu finden, ist ein Notizbuch zu nehmen und aufzuschreiben, was in seiner unmittelbaren Nähe und im eigenen Befinden sich in letzter Zeit positiv verändert hat. Dabei verdient das Unscheinbare die größte Aufmerksamkeit. Alles, was die Welt in Harmonie verändern kann, beginnt durch Harmonie im kleinen Universum des eigenen Sein.
#hansrosling #bulletjournal #notizbuch #harmonie
Check out gapminder.org
... The world got better then we think. Getting worse is usually a visible catastrophe. Getting better a long, steady and unobserved process... That gives us a bias.
The only thing that can save us now (populationGrowth is still out of this world) is if we stop airTravel, have a reckoning with megaCities (they've a terrible total ecological footprint), started #biodynamic farming that doesn't rely on #fossilFuels for #fertiliser and (almost fully) replaced animal #meat with local, printed organic meat from stem cells.
The basics like #contraception, #familyPlanning and giving educaton to both sexes has reached a limit – #HansRosling was wrong.
#biodynamic #fossilfuels #fertiliser #meat #contraception #familyPlanning #hansrosling
Yes, the six minute video by WiseWanderer might be good but there should be an upload from much earlier than that.
Beware #Google(?) suggest #HansRosling material after, he was a sanguine #growthist, whose predictions are already have already failed.
#google #hansrosling #growthist
@clacke @fitheach
Sorry for the late addition, in recent years due to a number of factors including coercive growthist propaganda and conflicts, fertility has spiked. The new estimate is 13 billion.
The 11b estimate goes back to the sanguine presentations of #HansRosling et al. But they are less based on facts than ppl think. The BBC lapped it up though.
Bill and Melinda put out similar sanguine tripe, they seem to be pro-nuclear energy too so… take out the grains of salt.
Triste d'apprendre la disparition de #HansRosling qui avait ce talent extraordinaire d'animer et de faire parler graphiquement les chiffres. #RIP 😢
🔸 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Rosling
🔸 https://youtu.be/hVimVzgtD6w
J&Jの「折れない経営」: #日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO32814190Q8A710C1TCR000/
『#フェイクニュース(#fakenews)』という言葉が広がって久しいが、情報化社会の今だからこそ、僕らは事実を客観的に受け止める力が必要と思う(さもなければ #現実逃避)
#ファクトフルネス #Factfulness #HansRosling #johnsonandjohnson
#日本経済新聞 #フェイクニュース #fakenews #現実逃避 #ファクトフルネス #factfulness #hansrosling #johnsonandjohnson