For the third candle, an update of the #Hanukkah classic Mi Yimalel | מי ימלל (Who Can Retell) #hanukkahsong #חנוכה #נרשלישי #thirdcandle #מיימלל
#מיימלל #hanukkah #hanukkahsong #חנוכה #נרשלישי #thirdcandle
For #TunesOnTuesday, a song and an experiment. I fed the lyrics of "Hanukkah Light" into the DALL-E image generation platform, asking for images in the style of Impressionist paintings. As you can see, the results were mostly OK, with some odd surprises. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, and best wishes for a healthy and happy new year! #hanukkahsong #hanukkah #chanukah #holidaymusic #DALLE2 #jazz #jazzpiano #solopiano
#tunesontuesday #hanukkahsong #hanukkah #chanukah #holidaymusic #DALLE2 #jazz #jazzpiano #solopiano
Other holidays exist. 18: Daveed Diggs - Puppy for Hanukkah Through its mention of Christmas qualifies for the #HipHopAdvent calendar. #HipHop #ChristmasSong #HanukkahSong Happy hanukkah!
#HipHopAdvent #hiphop #christmassong #hanukkahsong