“After a hectic lifetime of being exposed to an overwhelming amount of connections without boundaries, accountability, or respect, it is infinitely enriching for me to be in solitude, just to balance things out.”


#happilysingle #solitude #recoveringpeoplepleaser #recoveringcodependent

Last updated 1 year ago

Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
320 followers · 1703 posts · Server mastodon.au

: I’m glad it’s over but it wasn’t too bad this year - a short essay on why it’s a stupid day regardless of your relationship status.

If you’re in a & you need a specially marked day in the calendar to remind you to make your partner feel loved, why are you in a relationship? The most loving partnerships I’ve seen never celebrate Valentine’s Day. They express their love to each other all throughout the year. Celebrate if you want, not out of obligation.

If you’re freshly out of a relationship, it’s an in-your-face reminder of what just ended & can bring up a whole host of very raw , some of which you may not be ready to or want to process. It’s ok to shut yourself off.

If you’re , it can be difficult to see others celebrating what you desire but what we see from the outside isn’t the full picture so just be mindful you aren’t looking through rose-tinted glasses.

And if you are , I hope you enjoyed your Tuesday!


#valentinesday #relationship #emotions #lookingforlove #happilysingle

Last updated 2 years ago