I’m coming up on my 3 year anniversary of #covid infection, leading directly into still ongoing #LongCovid. In spite of it all (can’t work, on disability, home 95% of the time, etc.) my #happiness on a scale of 1-10 remains at 6-8. I’m learning that #contentment and #happines are often separate from circumstances. I bet it goes in both directions - perfect circumstances with lack thereof as well. I wonder how much is determined by genetics, how much is learned, etc.
#covid #longcovid #happiness #contentment #happines
Morgen 20. März:
▶ UN Weltglückstag / International Day of Happiness: ogy.de/nftq
Dieser Beschluss der UN zu diesem Welttag geht auf einen Antrag des Königreichs Bhutan (0,8 Mill. Menschen) zurück, der Glück als Staatsziel im Programm hat (aber tausende haben auch das Land verlassen!).
Zum Tag gibt es einen jährlichen UN Glücksreport, wo Deutschland letztjährig auf dem 15. Platz rangiert.
Tipps: ogy.de/h6zk
#glück #happines #Bhutan #unitednations #20märz #march20 #march20th
#gluck #happines #bhutan #UnitedNations #20marz #march20 #march20th
Why metalheads are happier people
#Metal #happines #catharsis #lifestyle
#lifestyle #catharsis #happines #metal
Happiness begins with loving what you have and grows and becomes more beautiful as you love it. #happines
For happiness, your positive emotions matter just as much as your negative ones.
#mentalhealth #happines #emotions #mentalhealthmatters #anxiety
5 Ways to Feel More Positive Emotions
#anxiety #mentalhealthmatters #emotions #happines #mentalhealth
Let's hope we keep working for a fair and equitable future for all people. #LoveKnowsNoColor #racism #Love #happines
#loveknowsnocolor #racism #love #happines
#Dada #Dadaist #dadaism #experimentalvideo #videoart #art #Happines #Laughter #Whynot 😎 🤣 Mappo nappo palpo pappa pappi pappi foo poppo pappo cap A palpating song, of throbbing laughter. Una canzon palpante, d’ilarità palpitante. A #Techno #absurdist #dream for our dark times. Enjoy.🙂
#dream #absurdist #techno #whynot #laughter #happines #art #videoart #experimentalvideo #dadaism #dadaist #dada
#psychology #politics #ClimateAction #vegetarian #Vegan #naturephotography #animals #sociology #science #spirituality #Music #Literature #Books #movies # #crochets #Health #socialwork #AnarchyIsNotChaos #Antifa #happines #BetterWithNature #betterworld #BetterWorkingLives #Beatles #punkrock
#punkrock #beatles #BetterWorkingLives #betterworld #BetterWithNature #happines #Antifa #AnarchyIsNotChaos #socialwork #Health #crochets #Movies #Books #literature #Music #spirituality #Science #sociology #Animals #naturephotography #Vegan #vegetarian #ClimateAction #Politics #psychology