A good doggo enjoying fetch by the sea.
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #Dogs #dogsofmastodon #gooddog #AllDogsAreGood #sea #pets #happyDoggos
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #Dogs #dogsofmastodon #gooddog #alldogsaregood #sea #pets #happydoggos #lauracochranphotography
I just #donated to them, after checking news stories to verify they're legit. They sure are (see link at bottom). Those poor #doggos. So glad they have a chance now to be #happyDoggos.
#EndDogFighting #rescueDogs #rescuedDogs #dogRescue
#dogFighting #dogFightingRing #dogFightingRings #animalAbuse #dogAbuse #protectDogs #donate
#Michigan #DetroitMI #DetroitArea #DetroitMetro #NationalAnimalResponseUnit
#DogsOfMastodon @dogsofmastodon@a.gup.pe @dogsofmastodon@botsin.space
To find out more and/or to #donate to help these #dogs:
https://www.barknation.org/thefree133 #BarkNation
One of many news stories about this:
https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/133-dogs-rescued-from-suspected-dogfighting-operation-in-detroit/ via @Cbsnews #CBSnews
#donated #doggos #happydoggos #enddogfighting #rescuedogs #rescueddogs #dogrescue #dogfighting #dogfightingring #dogfightingrings #animalabuse #dogabuse #protectdogs #michigan #detroitmi #detroitarea #detroitmetro #nationalanimalresponseunit #dogsofmastodon #donate #Dogs #barknation #cbsnews