VOICEMAIL: Hi, Avi? This is Dave again? Playing stupid didn't work, so now we told them to fuck off. The head suit is very mad at us. He called me out. We had a really #tense discussion in the McDonald's across the street. He says that I am being stupid. The McD's mgr asked us to leave because we're disrupting some children's #HappyMeals. I acted scared & told [the head suit] that I'd go in and look at removing #Tombstone. Instead, I am calling you. Please call me? Good-bye.
#tense #happymeals #tombstone #cryptonomicon
Mapache is having trouble deciding which Happy Meal to order.
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #MastoArt #BothLookGood #ChickenOrBeef #happymeals #hungry #mapache #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #cute
#ThisMightBeWhyTheyAreEndangered #WhatReallyKilledTheDinosaurs #delicious
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #MastoArt #bothlookgood #chickenorbeef #happymeals #hungry #mapache #wildlife #wildlifephotography #Nature #naturephotography #cute #thismightbewhytheyareendangered #whatreallykilledthedinosaurs #delicious #lauracochranphotography
If money buys you happiness … ten bucks at MacDonald’s would get you #HappyMeals morning, noon, and night.