RT @Calvinn_Hobbes@twitter.com
Make your 2023 the best year yet! #CalvinandHobbes #HappyNewYear2022
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Calvinn_Hobbes/status/1609665269462405120
#calvinandhobbes #happynewyear2022
I hope everyone has a happy new year. 2023 is lookin' like a good gaming year. #gaming #HappyNewYear #HappyNewYear2022 #streaming #twitch #youtube
#youtube #gaming #happynewyear #happynewyear2022 #streaming #twitch
so as I mentioned this past week my partner tested positive for covid right before christmas - We were supposed to see each other in person but couldn't risk passing it to my mom when she comes back from my sisters. So we played LoTRO all day (loving the new expansion) and we cooked steaks in our respective houses and sat and ate at the same time :) This was as delicious at it looks! (he tested negative yesterday and is doing ok now) #happynewyear2022
Happy new year to all of you people who live inside my phone! Hope it's a great year for all of us.
#happynewyear #happynewyear2022
Me, gathering my favorite reds for New Year's Eve. Cheers!
#HappyNewYear2022 #HappyNewYear #Sommelier #WineConnoisseur #Oenophilia #Larmessin
#happynewyear2022 #happynewyear #sommelier #wineconnoisseur #oenophilia #larmessin
Happy New Year Mastodon! I look forward to welcoming our robot overlords in 2023!
#happynewyear #happynewyear2022 #midjouney #robotoverlords
My New Year's Resolution? Take up drawing!
The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie? 🙂
#happynewyear2022 #newyearseve #dinnerforone
If you're not angry, you're not paying attention. If you're not ashamed, you're not paying attention. If you're not depressed, you're not paying attention. In short, stop paying attention for the night. Play with a dog. Eat a cake. Go out dancing with friends. #HappyNewYear2022
RT @SexySuesse@twitter.com
Braucht jemand noch ne Startrampe für seine Rakete? 😉
May I be your rocket launch pad? 😉
@assistonlyfans@twitter.com @ComFeets@twitter.com @MyDirtyCams@twitter.com @MDHRelationship@twitter.com @Dirtytalk_MDH@twitter.com
#HappyNewYear2022 #kink #heels #mistress
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SexySuesse/status/1476903672995094537
#happynewyear2022 #kink #heels #mistress
#happynewyear2022 #NewYear #MentalHealth #Alone #Lonely #poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #Humanity #Depression #Photography #Photos #photographer
#happynewyear2022 #NewYear #mentalhealth #alone #lonely #poetrycommunity #poetry #poem #Humanity #depression #photography #photos #photographer
Sorry I've been silent for a while. I hope everyone had a #MerryChristmas and will have a #happyNewYear2023
#merrychristmas #happynewyear2023 #merryxmas #happynewyear2022
📢 Hello #fediverse Bonne année 2022🎉 !
Cette année "au lieu d’attendre les miracles politiques ou sanitaires qui n’arriveront pas, décidons-nous concrètement pour l’humilité."
Agissons pour que notre pays et nos familles restent unis, œuvrons humblement pour la #justice, la #vérité, et pour notre #planete !
#fediverse #justice #vérité #planete #happynewyear2022
RT @p_kaki9: ペンギンもりもり門松🎍🐧✨
#HAPPYNEWYEAR2022 #年賀状イラスト #ペンギン https://t.co/nwnVKvA7ft
#ペンギン #年賀状イラスト #happynewyear2022
L'Afnic, forte de ses membres et de ses collaborateurs, vous souhaite une excellente année 2022 ! Ensemble nous continuerons de porter haut et fort les couleurs d’un .fr solidaire, accessible et responsable.
Afnic, its members and its teams, wishes you a happy new year 2022! Together we will continue to promote an accessible, sustainable and inclusive .fr.
#DotFR #ccTLDs #Internet #HappyNewYear #Afnic #HappyNewYear2022 #PointFR #BonneAnnee #France #MadeInFrance
#cctlds #bonneannee #france #madeinfrance #dotfr #internet #afnic #happynewyear2022 #pointfr #happynewyear
Happy new year everyone 😁 !!
🎉 🎉 ✨
#happynewyear #happynewyear2022
#happynewyear #happynewyear2022