Happy Saint Patrick's Day, Year of the Rabbit. ☘️ 🐇
DJ Comatose
#TGIF #HappySaintPatricksDay #Friday #SaintPatricksDay #FF #StPatricksDay #FollowbackFriday #Irishart #FollowFriday #Ireland #Art #YearOfTheRabbit #Clover #NewArt ##WindowFriday #JukeboxFridayNight #Green #Shamrocks
#tgif #happysaintpatricksday #friday #saintpatricksday #ff #stpatricksday #followbackfriday #irishart #followfriday #ireland #art #yearoftherabbit #clover #newart #WindowFriday #jukeboxfridaynight #green #shamrocks
Hosting Ukrainians for dinner tonight. Hope they will humor me by partaking in some Irish culture! #happysaintpatricksday!
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/McFaul/status/1636812413344575489
#HappySaintPatricksDay !! Probably time for another re-watch of this classic. 🍻
Pretend there is a picture of green beer attached and that you're happy about it... ☘️ 🍺
#happysaintpatricksday #greenbeer
Ara sí, la @GuinnessIreland@twitter.com de rigor. Feliç Sant Patrici a tothom i que sapigueu trobar el calderó ple de monedes d'or al final de l'Arc de Sant Martí. 🌈🪙🍀
Ara sí, la @GuinnessIreland@twitter.com de rigor. Feliç Sant Patrici a tothom i que sapigueu trobar el calderó ple de monedes d'or al final de l'Arc de Sant Martí. 🌈🪙🍀